Table Website Element

Organize your text data in Tables. Unlike the Grid Element, the Table can contain only texts and icons in the text. You can use the Table element to create pricing tables, time tables, schedules, and more.
Table Table Website Element

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Table Block Designs

You can also start with the Table element easily. And you can use the designer-made blocks containing the Table element. Click on the Add icon in the Quick Access Bar, go down to the Table section, select the Table, and any Table design in the opened panel.

Table Columns and Rows

Similar to any other element having columns and rows, you can change the number of the Table's Columns and Rows by dragging the corresponding sliders in the Property Panel for the selected Table element.

Table Styling

Like all compound elements in Nicepage popular in web design, you can stylize the Table per your layout. Click the Table element in a Block. Go to the Property Panel to the right, and click on the section links to go to the panels to modify the corresponding Table properties.

Table Move Columns And Rows

You can manage Columns and Rows in the selected Table element. Then click on the Table in your Block to select. Click on the Move option in the mouse right-click menu or the Context Panel more options icon to move Columns to the left and right and Rows to the top and bottom.

Free Templates with Table

Get started with our best templates, great for any business. Create and customize them with our powerful and free website builder with no code. All templates are mobile-friendly and look excellent on any device.

How To Create Tables For Your Nicepage Website?

During the building of your site, you may require to create tables for various purposes. If you want to create a new table similar to the HTML Table Element, you must first decide how many columns & rows you will be using and what information you will present in them. Create new tables with blog post hyperlinks, modify table rows and columns with social media tools, or integrate as many columns and rows as you need using our program. So how the columns and rows are arranged and the number of columns & rows changed using the simple toolkit of our program?

Log in to your account using your email address or accounts in google or Facebook. Open the Add Elements, and select on the Table Element. The new table will appear on your page layout, and on the right side of it, you will see the panel, where all customization of your current and future new tables will occur. At any moment, you can add the required number of columns and rows in the table by dragging the slider table element below the columns and rows back and forth or manually by clicking on the responsive tables themselves to add new cells. Pick the different background colors for rows and columns using simple background color shading or the complex one combined with two colors to stress certain table data.

How to create a table with new drag and drop elements, and how do elements in your table element make it unique? Create responsive tables and quickly add the image element you want to the table header by clicking the star icon above the cell you want to customize. Like the HTML table and image elements, you can add a hyperlink to your blog post, email address, terms of service, or the contact form to the footer. If the table is too big, add the skip to content button to concentrate the visitor on the important content. Add a star rating element if you create new table data or modify an existing table for an online store or table data about various products or services quality with a blog post as proof. As an example of how you can create tables with a star rating, create a new table element, select a flashy background table header with the title name and decide how many stores or products you will review. Every store is placed on a separate table row, all information about the store, including a phone number, is provided in the first column, its blog post on a certain topic the second or third, and the rating is placed in the last column.