Ask a Question Hi, I've noticed that a Nicepage flyout link pops up on mobile.

I was wondering if that is because I used a free template? I'm new to this and came across it online and decided to give it a try. I really like it a lot. I'm going to pay for the personal version,...
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Latest By Support Team

19 March 2021

Started 16 March 2021 by robzero

Ask a Question How to play mp3 on page or by clicking a link - ANY UPDATES?

This is something seriously needed. Is there a simple way? Will you be making it happen soon?
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Latest By Support Team

23 March 2021

Started 22 March 2021 by Stan Makrinos

Ask a Question Bring the Web Online and Link the Email

Hi, I edited a website by using one of the template, and I did it by the Nicepage software on the Mac. I am facing 2 main issues: 1, I would like to know how can I bring it online once I got the...
4 Replies
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Latest By yubin.yubin

31 March 2021

Started 28 March 2021 by yubin.yubin

Ask a Question custom Domain with long link issue

Hello there, I am having an issue after posting my website online on Nicepage with my custom domain. After publishing my website from the Nicepage online application, it gives me a long link instead...
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Latest By Support Team

05 April 2021

Started 31 March 2021 by michael.athanas

Ask a Question Facebook Icon only

How do I add a facebook icon and link to my page without having instagram and twitter. I only see icons for the three. I don't use instagram or twitter and don't want those links.
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Latest By Support Team

03 April 2021

Started 03 April 2021 by dtsaudio188

Ask a Question Installing LinkedIn Insight Tag

I am trying to install the LinkedIn Insight Tag to measure the performance of my advertising camaign. installation states "Add the JavaScript code to every page on your domain, preferably right before...
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Latest By Support Team

04 July 2022

Started 06 April 2021 by rob.dustan

Wishlist Auto duplicate main menu to footer as a sitemap block of links

Auto duplicate main menu to footer as a sitemap block of links
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Latest By Support Team

14 December 2021

Started 08 April 2021 by Jordan Webmaster

Ask a Question Can I add a drop down menu in the Header for linking to our multiple language sites?

We have multiple sites in different languages and I want to link each one to the other. I have added flags in the top header to do this currently but I will run out of room soon and it won't be...
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Latest By Support Team

09 April 2021

Started 08 April 2021 by karen.b3

Ask a Question Links and buttons still show in english even my website is in spanish wich should show "Leer más" instead of "Read more" :P

Hey, NP Team! This are the kind of things (like not providing latin world with referral links), that you simply wash away heading this to your links promoter") and I´ll keep thinking it´s racist! That...
5 Replies
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Latest By LGALLP

21 April 2021

Started 17 April 2021 by LGALLP

Ask a Question I cannot change the link to the logo in header

Hi guys I have been trying to change the URL to the logo in the header, but every time I get a 404 error as the page the systems builds automatically does not exist. All I would need is for the logo...
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Latest By Support Team

31 May 2021

Started 21 April 2021 by alex966

Report a bug Edit of text field to add a link, changes type to button

See In the column of Luxury Cruises, if I select Silversea, and add a hyperlink, it changes the type to a button and thus changes the style. This did not...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 April 2021

Started 29 April 2021 by steve390

Report a bug Menu missing a link item

I created a template with 6 pages. The first page has a menu drop down. In it, the dropdown is missing a link item to the last page I created. How can this be fixed?
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Latest By Support Team

14 May 2021

Started 29 April 2021 by Rick Jones

Ask a Question Editing social Icons

Hi I am trying to edit my facebook link, but I cannot locate where I do this? It seems like the menu for editing social icon links has disappeared. Please help
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Latest By Support Team

04 May 2021

Started 04 May 2021 by beautydecor123

Ask a Question Youtube link works in landscape but not in portrait (tablet / phones)

Hello there! I have some links to youtube videos. They work perfectly in computers and ipad but they don´t in some tablets (android) or phones (iphone or android). Any idea why it might be so?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2021

Started 05 May 2021 by inarax71

Ask a Question Turn blocks into new pages?

Good morning- The template I'm using is set up as multiple blocks and navigates by vertical scrolling. I've currently populated these blocks as "Myservice1", "Myservice2", and "Myservice3." I want...
3 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

15 May 2021

Started 08 May 2021 by d.crowley