Ask a Question Where to find my link to view my website

After i posted my website to the internet i was given a link to view my website. Where do i find this link now?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

02 August 2021

Started 02 August 2021 by pauljptlo2002

Ask a Question Since the update of yesterday the logo link doesn't work

Before the udate of yesterday the logo (svg-file) linked to the index page. Now it isn't working anymore, Wil there be a bugfix?
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Latest By aplicacioneswebs

17 August 2021

Started 13 August 2021 by berryvanegten2

Ask a Question Link and background image

Hello, I have a problem, when i put a picture as background image on a block, I cant open or click on hyperlink in this bloc. Can you help me ?
12 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 August 2021

Started 13 August 2021 by bous.dimi

Ask a Question Is it possible to assign SEO Alt to icons being used as a link?

Hello Nicepage support, I would like to ask, whether it is possible to assign SEO Alt value also to icons, not only to images, especially, when the icons are being used as a links. If not, please...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 August 2021

Started 17 August 2021 by michal84

Ask a Question how to link custom PHP script to a buton in a modal popup

Hello dear all, with the new version I want to know and to understand : how to link custom PHP script to a buton in a modal popup. I didn't find any reference to link the PHP custom. Thank...
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Latest By Support Team

18 August 2021

Started 18 August 2021 by abbrico

Ask a Question Help!How to link homepage to hundreds of subpages?

I have a dumb question. How to set up hierarchical directories on the navigation bar and how to link the homepage to hundreds of subpages?
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Latest By Support Team

02 September 2021

Started 02 September 2021 by lefookelvin

Ask a Question link application form data to heroku data base

I have made this application form and i have data base in heroku and i need to link it with my data base when visitor press submit it take his data to my data base and attached photo to...
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Latest By Support Team

09 September 2021

Started 03 September 2021 by acct.academy2020

Ask a Question Link "without" https://

Hi! I put a link on a page without https:// --> On the page in joomla its changed to Is that change done by nicepage or by joomla? Thanks for quick...
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Latest By Support Team

14 September 2021

Started 09 September 2021 by Alexander Waller

Ask a Question Link a button, to open a tab.

Hi, I have a tabs element with tab1 tab2, tab3,so and I need to vinculate one button to a especific tab (for example tab3), bu the options to vinculate the button to a especific part of a section,...
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3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

23 September 2021

Started 23 September 2021 by chechohuitron

Ask a Question I couldn't get an actual html link that can be shared online after exporting

I couldn't get an actual html link that can be shared online after exporting. Even though I have paid 59$ and tried PC version of Nicepage. After exporting, the link is like :...
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Latest By Support Team

15 October 2021

Started 15 October 2021 by xiaomiao2k

Ask a Question I want to Use your PERSONAL Plan. am i allowed to delete the Nicepage links / logo etc?

I want to use the PERSONAL Plan. Am i allowed to delete the Nicepage links / logo etc? I just wan to use parts of the generated html code. And i want to use it without the nicepage links in the...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2021

Started 08 November 2021 by b6avxx4jk7

Ask a Question back to previous link

Hello could you give a possibility to link back to previous page? Thank you
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2021

Started 08 November 2021 by webklub

Ask a Question Adding new pages to be viewed on button click

Hi, I am currently using Nicepage to re-design a few webpages for my company in short time. I am using template ID #444515. What I am looking to do is have the button below each persons name on the...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 November 2021

Started 09 November 2021 by vivekratkalkar

Ask a Question Fixieren eines Linkes auf dem Grundbild

Hallo Ich möchte gerne einen Link in das "Grundbild der Homepage" einbinden und diesen da fixieren, so das dieser, egal auf welchem Gerätetyp ich die Homepage anschauen, immer an der selben stelle...
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Latest By Support Team

15 November 2021

Started 13 November 2021 by silvioschmid

Ask a Question how do i put a link to an external website

could you give me a step by step guide how to put this link on my website please. the link is my website is...
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Latest By Support Team

18 November 2021

Started 18 November 2021 by martin374