How to play mp3 on page or by clicking a link - ANY UPDATES?

Stan Makrinos
16 Posts
Stan Makrinos posted this 22 March 2021
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This is something seriously needed.
Is there a simple way?
Will you be making it happen soon?

This is something seriously needed. Is there a simple way? Will you be making it happen soon?
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 22 March 2021


Thank you for your interest in Nicepage.
You can create a link to play a sound file by putting extra HTML code in HTML Additional Head HTML.
They will be added to the HEAD section of each website page.
There are several HTML codes that can be used, please search for the most suitable.
Or you cab use HTML control to insert the code for HTML audio element on the page.

Please feel free to ask any further questions.

Anna T.
Nicepage Support Team

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Stanley, Thank you for your interest in Nicepage. You can create a link to play a sound file by putting extra HTML code in HTML Additional Head HTML. They will be added to the HEAD section of each website page. There are several HTML codes that can be used, please search for the most suitable. Or you cab use HTML control to insert the code for HTML audio element on the page. Please feel free to ask any further questions. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna T. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:

Last edited 22 March 2021 by Support Team

Stan Makrinos
16 Posts
Stan Makrinos posted this 22 March 2021

Can you please provide examples of code since it obviously is NOT a priority?

Can you please provide examples of code since it obviously is NOT a priority?
Support Team
Support Team posted this 23 March 2021

Hi Stanley,

You can search for the solution over the internet. Something like this may be helpful:

Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel:
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Hi Stanley, You can search for the solution over the internet. Something like this may be helpful: ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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