Ask a Question Cсылка на месенджеры

Здравствуйте. Подскажите пожалуйста. Возможно ли в меню сайта задействовать иконки whatsapp и viber таким образом, чтобы при нажатии на них была возможность перейти в чат или сразу позвонить, например...
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Latest By Support Team

23 May 2021

Started 09 May 2021 by zarulem11

Ask a Question No Follow on Links

Hi NP Can you please add an option tick box on links to assign it as a 'No Follow' link please? Maybe under the 'Open in a new window' tick box. Thanks
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Latest By cjy1971

11 May 2021

Started 10 May 2021 by cjy1971

Ask a Question link to external

Hello. Since you can't translate a site into several languages with Nicepage, I decided to create another site. I would like that on each site, my flag image leads to my other site (French or...
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Latest By Support Team

24 May 2021

Started 24 May 2021 by ggaye.journaliste

Ask a Question Social sharing link

""i ask you to create a social share button that provides the same functionality as this plugin, which I think is not that difficult for experts.
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Latest By Support Team

26 May 2021

Started 26 May 2021 by jk.ahn1967

Ask a Question additional pages and button links

Hello , How can i build the pages that i want to be linked to the buttons on my site? There are a few buttons on the page "learn more" i would like to build those additional pages and link them to...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

27 May 2021

Started 27 May 2021 by TelHealthNow

Report a bug logo on website links instead of my own website

On my website: the logo links to instead of my own website. I changed it in the to the homepage but still links to Please advice
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Latest By Support Team

01 June 2021

Started 31 May 2021 by willem2

Ask a Question How to create and link to subdomains in Nicepage

Hi, Is there a way to create subdomain website and link that website from the menu in main website using. Nicepage dssktop app. Please help
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Latest By Support Team

07 June 2021

Started 06 June 2021 by vermau

Ask a Question It seems like the Unchain Icon is no longer available when trying to remove a hyper link.

Good Day, I am not sure if this only happened to me, but it seems like the 'unchain' icon is gone... I.e. I am trying to remove a hyperlink from a button but I am unable to do so. Please advise. Kind...
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Latest By Support Team

07 June 2021

Started 06 June 2021 by graphicsunleashed

Ask a Question Remove .html in links

How can we avoid nicepage adding the trailing ".html" when creating links, I have my server configured with an htaccess file, and manually removing the ".html" extension from all my links is a bit of...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 February 2023

Started 11 June 2021 by zwing

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Latest By Support Team

21 June 2021

Started 20 June 2021 by justtruegames2000

Ask a Question Regarding Removing link "Wordpress theme created with Wordpress editor"

Hi I have created a page using nicepage. I want to know how can I remove the links Wordpress theme created with Wordpress editor?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

23 June 2021

Started 23 June 2021 by playwithcircuit

Ask a Question Update Link zu 3.13.2

Hello, can you please send me a direct link to version 3.13.2. The Windows Installer from their package always brings the same error message and does not go on my Win 7 machine. Thanks
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Latest By Support Team

06 July 2021

Started 04 July 2021 by T.R.R.

Report a bug Can't Copy links from browser

Once I publish a page from nicepage - I am unable to copy any link text from a browser. Please see video and let me know how to fix this. Here is a video -...
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Latest By Support Team

16 July 2021

Started 13 July 2021 by rod5562

Ask a Question How to have img links be URLs instead of relative references

I have two images on my page currently. I wanted to make them both URLs (on a different domain) rather than having them placed in the /images folder. For the first image, I clicked on the image,...
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Latest By Support Team

21 July 2021

Started 20 July 2021 by bradlymathews

Ask a Question How can I upload pdf and image files as a target link from my web page?

As it is no option for file upload at Link setting so, how can I upload my files and link from my pages? Please help. Thank you.
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Latest By Support Team

26 July 2021

Started 24 July 2021 by orasung