Report a bug update downgrade issue

Hello, I made the offered update but after I could not save to html. Now I made the downgrade what the software offered, still issue but now read-only site issue Please help me to solve...
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Latest By Support Team

12 May 2022

Started 02 May 2022 by info4167

Ask a Question Search

Hi, I have two questions. Firstly can you direct me to a tutorial on how to use the search bar in the header. The results I get are not pretty. I am building an HTML website. Secondly, I am...
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Latest By Support Team

03 May 2022

Started 03 May 2022 by stevevz

Ask a Question Upgrade issue

Hello, I made the offered update but after I could not save to html. Now I made the downgrade what the software offered, still issue but now read-only site issue Please help me to solve...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 January 2024

Started 03 May 2022 by info4167

Wishlist Like to have multiple principal menu into header

Hi there When i create a blank Nicepage site, it auto create; the home page, the about page, the contact page. I then "stretch" the header so it's height is bigger. After i click on "add element". I...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

03 August 2022

Started 03 May 2022 by sfavron

Ask a Question subdomain is clashing with 50 sites feature

Hi, I have the business package that allows 50 sites and 3 sub domains on nicepage hosting. How do I remove the subdomains and just use the 50 sites Example lets say I create 50 sites and host them...
18 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2022

Started 03 May 2022 by locals4localsabq

Ask a Question Trying to see if I can "drive this" and struggling with signup

Hi. I am not really a tech savvy person so thought I should try this before buying it. I can see that the starter / trial is limited after 7 days which is fine. I will know by then if I can work out...
4 Replies
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Latest By x7ggv4ll78ua

05 May 2022

Started 04 May 2022 by x7ggv4ll78ua

Report a bug Image download Issue in the Desktop App

Hi, I have an issue with the desktop app on Windows. Since today it is not possible to make a new page from premade templates. When I choose a template an error occurs - "Error loading images from...
7 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

11 May 2022

Started 05 May 2022 by miroslav.cihlo

Ask a Question PHP mail not work

Hello. Will there be any solution to support PHP 7.4.x in the contact form? Thank you.
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2022

Started 06 May 2022 by zdenekkorf

Ask a Question Images not uploading correctly

I'm using the latest version of nicepage and when I upload images it's turning them sideways to make them horizontal when they should be vertical, they then show that same way on the page. I don't see...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2022

Started 06 May 2022 by webmastr

Ask a Question upgrade licence

Hi. If I upgrade to the ultimate licence what does it mean only one tear free updates? what more do I have tp pay to get updates? Thanks
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 May 2022

Started 07 May 2022 by Tanzi

Ask a Question A Nicepage marker appears when I publish the page

A Nicepage marker appears when I publish the page I created on the Nicepage server. Will the mark disappear if I publish it under my own domain name?
2 Replies
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Latest By sakis

07 May 2022

Started 07 May 2022 by sakis

Report a bug I can't work on my site anymore

Yesterday I create my site on wordpress (hosting: siteground). I added nicepage plugin and I was working till an hour ago on designing my pages. Now I can't do nothing because if I try to save I...
5 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

10 May 2022

Started 07 May 2022 by mariasicolo

Report a bug Image issues

I'm using the latest version of nicepage and having image issues. One is that when I upload a vertical image it rotates it to horizontal automatically. The other issue is with using the slider I...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 March 2023

Started 07 May 2022 by webmastr

Ask a Question Animation problem

Hi, from some Nicepage versions the animations are not displayed immediately after the first scrolls. Especially on the smartphone they are seen with great delay, showing only the background. Attached...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 May 2022

Started 09 May 2022 by info5057

Ask a Question the premium packages are termed as lifetime license, so in future if I want to switch from Business to Pro how much I have to pay ??

the premium packages are termed as lifetime license, so in future if I want to switch from Business to Pro how much I have to pay ??
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2022

Started 11 May 2022 by dushyant7