Ask a Question Move NP work from test site to real site

Hi, I have been working on an NP site in Joomla instead of using the desktop version, how do I move this to another page? From : testsite To : Orginal site Br, Morten
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Latest By Support Team

19 April 2022

Started 19 April 2022 by mortenfortza2

Ask a Question How do I turn the edit module on frontend

How do I turn off the edit now on frontend? See attachement
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21 April 2022

Started 20 April 2022 by immicardy

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Latest By info44392

24 June 2022

Started 21 April 2022 by omar07ibrahim

Ask a Question chat feature

Can you add a chat widget, or chat feature, on a webpage?
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22 April 2022

Started 21 April 2022 by eunice.banks

Ask a Question template id search no use

Edit Template Offline 1. Download and Install the Nicepage version for Windows, Mac, WordPress and Joomla from the download page 2. Create a new page or select existing 3. Click Add new block, search...
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22 April 2022

Started 22 April 2022 by yufeng7721


Hi ... Just updated with new version ... Can NO LONGER upload images Please help ... URGENT
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22 April 2022

Started 22 April 2022 by mikegibert

Ask a Question Changing the default browser for Nicepage Desktop

Hi, there! I would appreciate it if you could indicate how we can change the default browser used by NP when opening links from within NP or when publishing webpages. I have searched and checked the...
10 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 July 2022

Started 22 April 2022 by Andre - ADPC Projects

Ask a Question recaptcha

i fill the details for recptcha v3 but on the form i don't see checkmark i am not a robot help me to understand what is wrong thank you sarantopoulos nikos
5 Replies
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Latest By info44392

03 May 2022

Started 23 April 2022 by nsarantopoulos68

Ask a Question Upload Video

Hi, can I upload a video to the website without using a url address?
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Latest By Support Team

03 May 2022

Started 23 April 2022 by dean2004

Wishlist I'm surprised this isn't a feature...

I'm surprised there doesn't appear to be a way to temporary unpublish/ hide blocks in Nicepage. Say for example let's say there's a block with information you don't want to show, but don't want to...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 September 2022

Started 23 April 2022 by shane53

Ask a Question Word Press

Hello, I'm designing my page with your plugin. I saw there's a note that the first 7 days are for free, then there'll be a shorter version available. So I'm going to buy the "Personal" version...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

27 April 2022

Started 23 April 2022 by psychopigeongang

Ask a Question place in the forms the "i am not a robot" checkmark

most of the site when i see forms they have in the form "i am not a robot" checkmark please implement that for recaptcha function
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Latest By info44392

02 May 2022

Started 24 April 2022 by nsarantopoulos68

Ask a Question Premium plan requested with 5 pages

Good afternoon, Why when I try to export in HTML my 5 pages created does it require the Premium account? Best Regards
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Latest By MerlinAZ

24 April 2022

Started 24 April 2022 by jennifer.cadoni.1994

Ask a Question Is there a plan without hosting?

I am wondering if there is other pricing options that do not involve hosting.?
6 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

26 April 2022

Started 25 April 2022 by rich9322

Ask a Question question about wordpress

I have such a question, I upload the created site through a zip archive to WordPress. When viewing a site on WordPress, only the header and footer are displayed. But when you click on the main menu in...
15 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2022

Started 26 April 2022 by mailovruslan8