Ask a Question How to get rid of á and simillar characters in ALT tags of images in source code - Joomla!

Hello team, can you please give me a hint, how to make my resulting source cody tiny and nice for search engines? I am from Czech republic, and my client's site is written in CZ language. The template...
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Latest By Support Team

01 June 2020

Started 18 May 2020 by michal84

Ask a Question Adding scripts AFTER BODY

I am trying to add some page scripts after the body tag to no avail. -I see the code can be added in the head -I see the additional Head HTML can be added -I see I a=can add an HTML element and add...
7 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

15 November 2021

Started 19 May 2020 by hreachads

Ask a Question How to disable the mobile menu?

How can I disable the mobile menu on all devices?
11 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 January 2021

Started 25 May 2020 by chaygrib

Wishlist We need your opinion on what elements you are looking for!

Dear Nicepage Community, Recently we have added the Search to the Add Block and Add Element Panels. We have noticed that you like this functionality, it has become popular, and you have started to...
7 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By shalmaxb

26 June 2020

Started 27 May 2020 by Support Team

Ask a Question Why I can't eddit my live site without looging to account?

Why I can't eddit my live site without looging to account?
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24 August 2023

Started 28 May 2020 by Toto Li

Ask a Question Sitefor Newbie

I want to build a theme with header, footer and nice image on top for client, but I want the client to use the standard wp page system to create the what do I do with the body part of the...
12 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 June 2020

Started 02 June 2020 by xxxTRISTAMxxx

Ask a Question Images in wordpress posts not resized?

Images inserted in WordPress posts are not resizing in responsive modes. Any solution for this?
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Latest By Support Team

18 June 2020

Started 12 June 2020 by cmppessoa

Ask a Question getting a footer on woocommerce shop that I cant edit

Hi Ive got a nicepage website setup with woocommerce. my problem is that there is a footer on the woocommerce page that i cant edit and its not the same as the homepage footer how do I edit this...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 June 2020

Started 17 June 2020 by mcoops672

Ask a Question Not Receiving License Rights I Purchased

Why, after purchasing the NicePage Pro edition, am I not able to use the downloaded version of NicePage on Windows 10. When I click the activate license link under my profile on your Windows...
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Latest By Support Team

01 July 2020

Started 29 June 2020 by thomsondj7

Ask a Question How to merge cells in Table

Hi, how do I merge cells in table?
6 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By dahlmatiner

23 March 2024

Started 29 June 2020 by TQY

Report a bug I am unable to reach your website

I am unable to reach your website and as a result I am unable to use the Joomla extension to edit content on my websites. This has been like this for more than 4 hours and is not acceptable. I should...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 June 2020

Started 30 June 2020 by cm6

Report a bug Header is not changed in "Article" list (wordpress)

When editing header on live website (nicepage online editor) the header modifications is not working for the article page. The article page keeps the "old" header designed inside nicepage software...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 July 2020

Started 01 July 2020 by a.chypre

Ask a Question Created a page with iframe. When I open the nicepage project, the iframe is activated and I cannot return to Nicepage

I created a simple blank project with a text frame and html element (which contains an iframe). The project was saved. When I reopen the project and click on the project thumbnail, the iframe is...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 July 2020

Started 07 July 2020 by justanotherprogrammer

Ask a Question colours

hello there i ve added background colours on some items and i can see then on the editor and on the preview but... it don't appear on the site what's appending?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 July 2020

Started 07 July 2020 by vdferrandez

Ask a Question Wordpress Plugins in template

Hi Nicepage, My client whants a specific Wordpress plugin on his site, but I can't get it to work. Is it even possible to usse plugins? Thanz, Marius.
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 July 2020

Started 10 July 2020 by marius77