Ask a Question Lightbox failure

after i leave the lightbox, i can not uses the menu anymore. And i can not use the lightbox again. why
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 May 2020

Started 12 October 2018 by j.jm2

Ask a Question nicepage

mobile menu proplem???
19 Replies
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26 October 2018

Started 12 October 2018 by kontakt

Ask a Question Social Icons Problems Linkedin

Problems with linkedin when I copy and paste the url address and leave the field automatically change everything I copied. Example: Im copy this Link: When I...
12 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

19 February 2019

Started 13 October 2018 by COMPU-PAGE

Ask a Question Export As Wordpress Theme

Can Nicepage save and export as a Wordpress theme just like Artisteer?
6 Replies
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Latest By voodoo

19 February 2022

Started 14 October 2018 by stv777

Ask a Question Section border, background repeat, menu customisation...

Hi, Nicepage is certainly lighter and faster than Themler, but so far in customization, i feel disappointed. - Is it not possible to customize border of sections ? I'd like to add bottom border to the...
2 Replies
5 Votes

Latest By Support Team

09 November 2018

Started 14 October 2018 by m.calay

Ask a Question Spell check

Am I correct there is no spellchecking for HTML? I would have to use Wordpress for theirs?
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By John Smith

02 January 2021

Started 14 October 2018 by mike16

Ask a Question Attached files server downtime

I am noticing that attached files are very often not available due to "Server not found". Please support fix that!
8 Replies
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09 November 2018

Started 16 October 2018 by whdmike

Ask a Question When I import the content into joomla, the footer links are not imported

When ever I import the theme and content into joomla, the footer links are not imported? Am I missing something>
25 Replies
2 Votes

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05 November 2019

Started 16 October 2018 by shafiq_amlani

Ask a Question embed video code in NICE PAGE

Per favore, vorrei sapere come inserire un mio video "embed video" code in una sezione di NICEPAGE. gRAZIE.
1 Reply
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17 October 2018

Started 16 October 2018 by calabrese.donato2

Ask a Question Linking to a PDF

I have uploaded a series of PDFs to a Joomla site and I have created a page using Nicepage, how do I add a hyperlink to the PDF in the media folder? Thanks in Advance John
15 Replies
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29 November 2022

Started 16 October 2018 by john13

Ask a Question Footer

If you select a pre-set grid with text in it as the footer the text will not show up. This is in joomla by the way. In the preview window it will show up but it will not in a live joomla site. If you...
4 Replies
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07 March 2022

Started 16 October 2018 by ifawcett

Ask a Question index.html not same as home.html

My first site I did has wrong html. After exporting I have to delete the index.html, copy the home.html and then rename the copied home.html to index.html. This works so not a big deal unless I forget...
4 Replies
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19 June 2019

Started 17 October 2018 by lori

Ask a Question Gallery - Album

Hi, it would be nice if you can add some Gallery/Album sections. This time i find only the lightbox-presentation for the pictures. hopefully Johannes
17 Replies
32 Votes

Latest By michal84

19 October 2022

Started 17 October 2018 by j.jm2

Ask a Question Change overall site width

Hey nicepage-Team, is there a way to change the overall site or page width of a website or am I stuck with the default?
10 Replies
10 Votes

Latest By Support Team

01 November 2021

Started 18 October 2018 by service8

Report a bug Blog and Post template not uploaded

Hello, When I create a new site temple, there alway's tree pages created by default: Blog template, Post template and Page 1 Page 1 I alway rename to Home and make it the Homepage. Blog and Post...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

20 March 2023

Started 18 October 2018 by Paulus