Wishlist Import in Joomla

Artisteer "world" better than Nicepage. very complicated to import the page in Joomla! with Artisteer it was done in 4 steps Export from Artisteer Import in Joomla set template as default import...
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Latest By Support Team

25 October 2018

Started 25 October 2018 by www.CREAWEB.xyz

Report a bug Wordpress Content import failure (Error occured: (status 200)

Hi, I created a page (Home) in Nicepage, and export only contents (zip) and then trying to import into Wordpress, I am getting the below error. Error occured: (status 200) Can't find content.json in...
13 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Support Team

22 February 2023

Started 25 October 2018 by srinivasalu.sm

Ask a Question Content of Joomla positions do not appear

Hello, I need your help once more! I created Joomla positions in nicepage: "logo-1" .... "logo-6". Why does the content of the positions not appear? It should work like the footers. I created in...
14 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

04 May 2021

Started 25 October 2018 by quickly

Wishlist Nicepage Update: Oct 2018

What's New New Video: Menu Demo New Language Translations for the Nicepage User Interface New Container Options New Site Designs Bug Fixes and New Features New Demo Video: How to use the Menu ...
2 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Support Team

13 November 2018

Started 26 October 2018 by Support Team

Ask a Question cookie directive

Hi again. I used to be able to use a cookie plugin for joomla when i was just using the Artisteer template. This warned potential users when first using the site about the use of cookies and the...
8 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By w.tomassovich

03 January 2020

Started 26 October 2018 by dave5

Report a bug Homepage index.html wrong

Dear madams and dear sirs, after exporting the project as HTML the index.html is any of my pages, but only seldomly the page i have set in the Site Settings as Home Page. So the wanted start page has...
11 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 December 2020

Started 26 October 2018 by marcor

Report a bug mp4 video does not start

Dear sirs and dear madams, i tryed to add an own video which i placed as mp4-file on the remote server. Viewing this video with the Quick Preview works well, but the video is not starting in the...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

29 October 2018

Started 26 October 2018 by marcor

Ask a Question What is the difference between nicepage and themler

I'm looking at a solution for creating themes and editing content for Wordpress. I was a previous Artisteer user years ago. I've been "trying" to do research on this topic but I am totally confused...
3 Replies
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Latest By aplicacioneswebs

21 November 2019

Started 26 October 2018 by ddimarc

Ask a Question Wordpress Plugin Integration

If I use the Wordpress version of Nicepage, will it integrate with other WP Plugins (specifically Noo Timetable)? Thanks
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

29 October 2018

Started 26 October 2018 by sally

Ask a Question Javascript

I'm attempting to make one of my pages password protected. I don't know how to do this. Went on Youtube and obtained a javascript code but now how do I get at the html code for that page and where do...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

04 July 2022

Started 28 October 2018 by SCV

Ask a Question Online editor

I have the last question I created a web page in the online editor and I can not save the web page to my pc. Now I downloaded the version for windows. How can I convert from online to a PC so i can...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 May 2020

Started 28 October 2018 by rkcomp

Ask a Question saving for joomla

I have a single page site and I am trying to export as a Joomla theme, but it just sits there and does nothing! I changed to saving as project and it saved right away. I gave the export to Joomla fie...
11 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

31 October 2018

Started 29 October 2018 by john13

Ask a Question Meta tags

I inserted a number of Meta tags in the space provided in the html setting. Now these meta tags appear on the top of the page. I have attached a .jpg perhaps you could tell me how to remove...
23 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Fer

07 June 2023

Started 30 October 2018 by SCV

Ask a Question Feature: Accordion or Toggle

Can we by any chance have an accordion or toggle element added to the page builder? This would be so awesome.
16 Replies
48 Votes

Latest By tom.jefferson2011

25 March 2022

Started 30 October 2018 by Christie G

Ask a Question UTF-8 encoding

Hi, After exporting and uploading to my server, all mutual vowels are not shown correctly, (German) even nice page encodes utf-8 In the preview they look fine. What can I do ? (Nicepage desktop...
3 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

01 November 2018

Started 31 October 2018 by TKPAW