Ask a Question Vertical menu

is it possible to create a vertical menu in nicepage?
32 Replies
56 Votes

Latest By anderek

29 December 2022

Started 19 October 2018 by shafiq_amlani

Ask a Question Move menu into the first slide

Can you move the menu out of the header and into the first section? Usually the first section is an image and I would like the menu to appear over it.
7 Replies
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Latest By Semprelola

20 April 2021

Started 19 October 2018 by ifawcett

Ask a Question Creare pagine con lo schema uguale alla prima pagina INDEX

Dopo aver creato la prima pagina (index.html), come posso fare per creare le altre pagine uguali alla prima? Grazie.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 October 2018

Started 20 October 2018 by calabrese.donato2

Ask a Question Sektion

54/5000 hi, how can I copy a section to a new page? thanks,
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22 October 2018

Started 21 October 2018 by jschaufe

Ask a Question Blog and Post

Are there any instructions on using the Blog and Post templates Can it be used with Joomla? John
6 Replies
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17 May 2021

Started 21 October 2018 by john13

Ask a Question HTML view

Hi, is it possible to see the HTML in the Editor?
9 Replies
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11 September 2019

Started 21 October 2018 by Pianoman

Ask a Question 2 section Footer

Hello, In Themler, I was able to add an extra section to the ALL FOOTER section. So, on every page those two sections are always visible. Is it also possible in NicePage?
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Latest By Support Team

22 October 2018

Started 21 October 2018 by Pianoman

Ask a Question Publishing

I'm used to Artisteer. I use FileZilla to publish my updates. Artisteer always makes a file called index.html to my website directory. First of all I can't see to find the proper directory, secondly I...
10 Replies
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07 October 2020

Started 22 October 2018 by SCV

Ask a Question What is licence clients?

How do licenses work for clients and how do they activate if more is needed?
6 Replies
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10 December 2020

Started 22 October 2018 by vancho_alvarez2

Ask a Question Menu in different screensizes

I made a vertical menu in a header. Used vertical because i don't want to change the text into an icon when the screensize is small. Works fine for most screensizes, but not for the mobile view. ( see...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 October 2018

Started 22 October 2018 by Willem

Ask a Question Wordpress Install Error

The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini. cant get it to upload
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 October 2018

Started 22 October 2018 by graham2

Wishlist Upload of own pictures

Dear madams and dear sirs, the uploading of own pictures is very time consuming because every single picture has to be uploaded on it's own step. There should be the possibility to mark several...
5 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

14 June 2024

Started 23 October 2018 by marcor

Ask a Question menu problem

I made a website with 6 pages, so there are 6 menu buttons. Looks fine in Nicepage preview, but when i export the website the last button (epiloog) doesn't show. ( see attachement, top is Nicepage...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 February 2022

Started 23 October 2018 by Willem

Ask a Question where is the hover and pressed (color for menu)

Hi the team :) where is the hover and pressed (color foritem menu) like for the button. Thanks a lot!
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

06 November 2018

Started 24 October 2018 by psanz63

Ask a Question Why the originals pictures are largest on nicepage?

Hi the team, I wonder if it is normal that the images are largest when we put them in nice page? (see the attach files) Because it s a real problem!
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Latest By Support Team

25 October 2018

Started 24 October 2018 by psanz63