Ask a Question shortcode

Hi I am having issues making the shortcode for many plugins work. Specifically, woo commerce. I know I can not edit woocommerce directly but I do need to be able to add working shortcodes
30 Replies
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Latest By John Smith

22 December 2020

Started 18 January 2019 by slimisworkin

Ask a Question Parallax scrolling over video fill option

Hi Nicepage team. I have a question regarding parallax scrolling. How come it doesn't work with video (fill)? Since the option is there, but when you click it the video is being replaced by a...
7 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

30 January 2023

Started 29 January 2019 by Elma

Ask a Question php script for email

Nicepage is nice in its design, no code necessary, but then suddenly you need to put in a lot of effort to find a suitable php script for an email form and have to fight with codes. I cannot...
10 Replies
10 Votes

Latest By Support Team

14 May 2019

Started 03 February 2019 by benb

Ask a Question Bizarre links in embedded pdf

In pdf embedded with shortcode in a site with a nicepage template, the links that are in the document are one line below the text of the link. see This behaviour...
13 Replies
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Latest By RaymondJal

11 May 2023

Started 08 February 2019 by

Ask a Question multi-language

Hello, is it possible to create a multi-language website with nicepage? (languages such as german, english, spain, ...) Hope of your prompt reply. Thanks.
52 Replies
27 Votes

Latest By Support Team

01 August 2022

Started 13 February 2019 by office132

Ask a Question Multiple Menus

Hi! Using a Joomla CMS, I am wondering if there is a way to set up multiple menus. I have been using the off-canvas hamburger menu aligned on the left. I would like to setup a second off-canvas menu...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 March 2019

Started 13 February 2019 by rpoy

Report a bug Unexpected end of JSON Input

Hi Nice Page team, I am using the Nicepage my desktop (MacBook Pro). After recent update, I am getting the following the error message, and no past projects are...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 March 2019

Started 19 February 2019 by

Ask a Question Slider does not move on smartphone with touch screen when swiping.

I can not move the slide of images with the touchscreen of the smartphone. Just let go with the keypad of the Slider. Sorry for my English, I speak and I write in Spanish, but I am using Google...
12 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 March 2021

Started 24 February 2019 by hectorleal

Ask a Question Clarifying

If I choose « I design pages » do I get access to the online version as well as the desktop version? Can I get the discount for the hosting as well? Because if I buy the software + the hosting for...
17 Replies
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07 March 2019

Started 25 February 2019 by audrayp

Ask a Question Sub menu on mobile

Sub menu on mobile How to use the first level menu link when using a mobile submenu. I will explain if under the link of the homepage, I add a sub menu, I can not click on the link HOME because it...
18 Replies
5 Votes

Latest By Support Team

16 May 2023

Started 25 February 2019 by esdi732

Wishlist About Wide Mode!

Hi, Wide Mode can be added in responsive view mode. Because I want to see the wide design in real time.
7 Replies
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06 June 2019

Started 28 February 2019 by Mufasa

Ask a Question Megamenu

Are you going to have a proper mega menu with ability to add module positions to it?
43 Replies
57 Votes

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12 April 2022

Started 08 March 2019 by admin

Ask a Question Snap to 8px invisible grid (not css grid)

It would be nice if I could press a key (or toggle) to snap the element position/size to an invisible grid (for example 8px by default). This is a sales stopper for anyone who has worked with it...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

14 March 2019

Started 12 March 2019 by noshner

Ask a Question Resizable header

What I am still missing is the way to resize a header when scrolling. So when you scroll down the header gets smaller with a smaller logo or just a background color like this site:...
19 Replies
17 Votes

Latest By heikom36

15 February 2023

Started 20 March 2019 by jelle.buelens

Ask a Question Wordpress theme, SSL website, mixed content

Hi, I am running my newly created website via SSL, but the site seems to serve mixed content. In essence, links to images etc contain full absolute URLs (instead of relative URLs). As a result, the...
19 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

03 May 2024

Started 21 March 2019 by corelanc0d3r