Ask a Question Wich are the exact measures you stablished for each Responsive View?

Hello, NP Team! Hope you have a nice day. I think you should publish/share the exact measures you considered when stablished the five responsive views for the app, because I´m having problems...
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Latest By LGALLP

20 February 2020

Started 15 February 2020 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Images in lightbox. When browsing lightboxed images, GUI of web browser got completely grayed just on one of these.

Hello team, I have found, that when I configure one block, to support Image-Lightbox (containing 4 images only), when 3rd image is shown in Light-Box, whole screen (including browser's GUI itself),...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 February 2020

Started 17 February 2020 by michal84

Ask a Question Alignment doesn´t work correctly

I would like to display the language selection right-aligned in the header. Unfortunately this is not possible. But as you can see, the position is on the far right. Then why does the module not...
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Latest By Support Team

18 February 2020

Started 17 February 2020 by kontakt27

Ask a Question Custom fonts instruction and example

Hi. I read the answers I will be grateful for the...
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30 November 2022

Started 18 February 2020 by nportalru

Ask a Question Hide background video in a block for mobile devices

Hi Does anyone know how to hide a block with a video background when viewed on a mobile device or, even better, display an alternative block? If you look at this site in a desktop browser you get...
2 Replies
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Latest By Computageeks

20 February 2020

Started 19 February 2020 by Computageeks

Ask a Question Domain-Verlinkung

Hello, I have a domain name ( and hosting at How can I keep this domain name with Strato, but the surfer is redirected to nicepage? ( Attention: the...
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Latest By Support Team

20 February 2020

Started 19 February 2020 by mahmoudnia35

Ask a Question Submenu, Drop Down menù & Megadrop: styles and options?

Hi, I can't find Drop Down Menu styles and models can you help me? Thank you, Paco
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

10 March 2020

Started 20 February 2020 by calicantus

Report a bug update

Hello out there After the update of the program to the newest version in cannot install the editor anymore on my webspace. First I tried to install the new plugin, then I shreddered the site and now...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 February 2020

Started 20 February 2020 by elektroknecht4

Ask a Question Show/Hide sections with toggle

Hello Is there a way to implement a show/hide toggle for sections or grids within sections? I have got a web built with nicepage and need to add a lot more sections/grids on few pages and really need...
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Latest By Support Team

25 February 2020

Started 21 February 2020 by nenad.petrovic2

Report a bug shortcut conflict

I cannot type the Polish letter "ś" which needs the alt key and the letter "s". I suppose there is a conflict with a shortcut. What can we do?
8 Replies
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14 July 2020

Started 24 February 2020 by marek.krol

Ask a Question Joomla

Hi, I created a template and installed it in Joomla Why are new articles not displayed with the template?
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Latest By Support Team

26 February 2020

Started 25 February 2020 by jschaufe

Ask a Question Parallax iOS

Any possible way I can enable parallax scrolling on iOS with nicepage? Many sites work perfect and have parallax scrolling on iPhone.
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Latest By Support Team

14 April 2024

Started 26 February 2020 by DillFrescott

Ask a Question hamburger menu

The hamburger menu with submenu is not working properly. When you click the main page, the submenu opens and only the submenu items are able to open, not the main page. this is very frustrating, any...
12 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

05 June 2022

Started 27 February 2020 by tom7

Ask a Question help needed with Menu on Wordpress using Mobile

hi I really do not understand menus have attached the project my site contains two pages Admag and AdVideo the menu items are blocks on each page.. the issues i have are 1. I am designing for...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 March 2020

Started 28 February 2020 by george2

Ask a Question Text loses its cell when block duplicated

Hi guys, I've got some issues when I create a block and then I try to duplicate it. It loses its cell in wich its been placed in. See attachment of the screenshot I took. Thanks, Boril
17 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 March 2020

Started 02 March 2020 by puchenson