Ask a Question The scroll bar in the popup window, continuing the theme

Hello! I love working on your Nicepadge platform! Thank you for a great tool!!! I am a designer and do not know how to write code, so I carefully study the capabilities of your Nicepadge editor...
3 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By arthurmloureiro

22 February 2022

Started 18 April 2020 by chuparskiyroman

Ask a Question Woocommerce

Sir, how to use Nicepage in WP with woocomerce and get all Woocomerce functionnalities, display produyct, add to cart... because I neet to create some different shop with NP and impossible at this...
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Latest By Support Team

20 April 2020

Started 19 April 2020 by erikdenice

Ask a Question Two Home Pages

I have never understood why Nicepage makes two homepages for my html websites. Please tell me why because search engines typically see duplicate content as a negative, causing the site to rank lower...
59 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By msjr

6 days ago

Started 20 April 2020 by charles

Ask a Question ACL Support admin module

Please add Joomla ACL support for the nicepage admin bar module urgently. Sometimes SU access is needed for support by an extension developers. I always setup admin access but ONLY to their respective...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 April 2020

Started 20 April 2020 by Ch3vr0n

Ask a Question Breadcrumb

Hi I have seen that you have to add a widget to have a breadcrumb but I have been unsuccessful implementing it. Can someone please provide me with an idiots guide on how to add a breadcrumb and what...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 February 2022

Started 22 April 2020 by mark566

Ask a Question Page name on header

Hello, I am currently building my new website with Nicepage. I would like the page of each page to be displayed on each page, please see attached screen shot. I have "Home" in the header but I...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

23 April 2020

Started 22 April 2020 by michael408

Ask a Question Pinned button and modal window on every page

I need to create a button that is pinned to the bottom of the Header section and when clicked to display a modal window. The sample is found at This...
12 Replies
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Latest By Romuba

24 April 2020

Started 22 April 2020 by Romuba

Report a bug reCAPTCHA doesn't work

I have enabled recaptcha v.3 in my form. I did enter site key and security key. But i still get aaaallloooott spam mails everyday. Why is that?
13 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By frey2

31 March 2023

Started 23 April 2020 by charlie61

Ask a Question Wrong Template

Hi I have an issue which I'm sure is a setting somewhere but I can't find it. If you look at this page it doesn't have the same template, for example the footer is a previous version that is...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 April 2020

Started 24 April 2020 by mark566

Report a bug Hamburger menu with submenu not working as expected

Hello Team, It looks like the hamburger menu isn't working as expected. Whatever the link syntax (relative or absolute link) you enter to go to the upper level of a page, there remains a "dead link"...
9 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

19 October 2022

Started 25 April 2020 by cinquestan

Ask a Question adding html code

I have an app I want to place on webpage I inserted it vis the content add on element html but it does not disply it displays the code instead on preview
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

29 April 2020

Started 25 April 2020 by gajrietveld2

Ask a Question Adjusting the page to the size of the monitor

Hello, how to set the site to fit the size of the monitor (because each person has a different monitor resolution and a page scroll bar is displayed. And I do not want this)?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 April 2020

Started 26 April 2020 by fotokotarba2

Ask a Question Some questions about your Premium Plans

Dear Sir or Madam, I have the following questions about your Premium Plans: What exactly is meant by "Additional Licenses"? Is the customer not allowed to access and edit the website via Wordpress...
6 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Steffen1988

30 April 2020

Started 28 April 2020 by Steffen1988

Wishlist Email attachment

Hi! Would it be possible to include a section on the form where the sender could also add an attachment to the message, for example a pdf file?
7 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Nicepage lover

26 October 2021

Started 29 April 2020 by kari2

Ask a Question Folders in my images

Hello, I am preparing page with image gallery and also blog section. I would like to have some folders in my images because it will be only mess in time... Is it somehow possible_ Or ehat is the best...
21 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

16 May 2024

Started 29 April 2020 by jan.daliba