Ask a Question PHP Block Causing Wordpress Critical Errors

Hello all, Because the contact form block in Nicepage only allow Recaptcha 3 I'm on a mission to create my own PHP contact form using Recaptcha 2.0 due to Recaptcha 3's failure to block spammers....
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Latest By Ordinary Dad

02 September 2022

Started 26 May 2021 by shane53

Ask a Question Website view are not proportional view at cellphones

I have made a project with nicepage, when I upload, everything is fine and normally. I try to look from PC or laptop….. everthing is great. But when I look from cellphones or I-pad, the view of...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

29 May 2021

Started 27 May 2021 by sipz1031

Ask a Question menu

Unfortunately, the option of framing with a submenu is limited. I would have created round borders as well as lines with stripes.
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Latest By Support Team

01 June 2021

Started 01 June 2021 by spalta63

Ask a Question element ID

is it possible to add IDs to elements?? I'm trying to implement myself a Hambuger menu in a Block since the Header is useless to me and menus can only be inserted in Headers, I've to do a menu...
8 Replies
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Latest By acemang

16 June 2021

Started 02 June 2021 by acemang

Ask a Question Page setting additional html tags

I was auditing my new site created with nicepage, and had wanted to understand better how to use the page property to enhance the SEO in the Header. The meta tags section and additional Html section,...
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Latest By Support Team

05 July 2021

Started 06 June 2021 by dan1924

Ask a Question Problem with Nicepage plugin in wordpress

Hi, I installed the Nicepage plugin for wordpress by opening the wordpress site in browser and it works fine. I downloaded the free macOS app just like Nicepage macOS app and imported...
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Latest By Support Team

09 January 2023

Started 09 June 2021 by vermau

Report a bug Register

I'm not able to register
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31 October 2023

Started 10 June 2021 by it1069

Ask a Question Formatting Irregularities with Successive Text Links. Plus "Open in New Window" Not Saved.

Within an rich text block I want to have list of links to external websites on separate lines as are created with shift+enter. The first instance works, but the next ones arbitrarily change position...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 June 2021

Started 12 June 2021 by contact6202

Wishlist Custom search.php (search results)

Hello, I know this has been asked several times, but with the custom themes, I'd like to ask once again ;) Is there a chance that we'll have the option to make a custom search.php (search results...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 June 2021

Started 13 June 2021 by michalet

Ask a Question slider misura errore

ho messo larghezza 100% e mi esce ho controllato codice e ha scritto "calc(((100% - 1140px) / 2) + 1220px)" perchè?
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Latest By Support Team

15 June 2021

Started 14 June 2021 by xdecaro

Ask a Question wordpress css is inline

Hi We created a wordpress page using nicepage plugin. It worked properly, but when we checked the page source all the css is embed in-line But we want to create and load all the css in another style...
4 Replies
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Latest By ksnyders

29 December 2023

Started 15 June 2021 by said

Ask a Question Start Nicepage

Cannot start Nicepage. Error message according to the appendix
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Latest By Support Team

17 June 2021

Started 15 June 2021 by info21692

Ask a Question Nicepage design is TOO BIG on all devices - how to make it smaller?

Wordpress page designed with Nicepage is too big. I mean - each Nicepage block fills the full size of the monitor, on any device. It looks a bit cheap... How to display (IN FRONTEND, AS A DEFAULT) the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 August 2022

Started 18 June 2021 by mimisiku

Ask a Question How do you add a gradient to text in Nicepage?

How do you add a gradient to text in Nicepage? 😊 Thanks
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Latest By Support Team

09 May 2024

Started 20 June 2021 by Auguste

Ask a Question Links turns into buttons

Hello Please look at this page I need to create inline links as a part of the text Unfortunately the links turn into buttons and "jump" to a...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 July 2021

Started 21 June 2021 by priya3