Ask a Question Contact Form Does Not Send

I have devoted many hours over many days trying this and that to get your Contact Form to send messages to my Yahoo email address but I cannot figure out why it won't work. This process is extremely...
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Latest By Support Team

15 September 2021

Started 04 September 2021 by LarrySchu

Ask a Question 2 ACCORDION questions?

Your accordion updates are very nice. Very functional..... lots of customization. 2 questions... How can I setup so when someone is playing a video, and they go and open another panel, the panel...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 September 2021

Started 06 September 2021 by 4scottbizpro

Ask a Question List of issues with my wordpress theme

Hello, My wordpress website is now completely finished. I have built everything that I needed to build however now I am having alot of issues listed below. Footer is showing...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 September 2021

Started 11 September 2021 by jean-paul

Ask a Question Export to Joomla From Nicepage Online

Hello, trying to save an induvidual page in nicepage online Joomla when I click on export page nothing is happening. Please can you help me ? Thx a lot
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 September 2021

Started 14 September 2021 by ericfreget


Continua con el problema de la columna del espacio en blanco al lado derecho, en vista phones. Notas: Desactive el módulo de "Breadcumbs" y los "Botones" para descartar si era el problema, aún...
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Latest By Support Team

15 September 2021

Started 14 September 2021 by etorres

Ask a Question Heading Will NOT Center

Hi all, sorry if this has been addressed before but I couldn't find anything that helped I've ticked all the boxes, formatting on other pages was similarly annoying. Example: Sorry for the...
6 Replies
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Latest By ML Glenn

15 September 2021

Started 15 September 2021 by ML Glenn

Ask a Question Gradient Text is not visible in Safari

Hello, I am trying to apply some gradient effect to the <h4></h4> tag across all pages of the website. Gradient effect gets applied succesfully to the H4 tag in all browsers except...
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Latest By Support Team

17 September 2021

Started 16 September 2021 by skhan10

Report a bug Nicepage Joomla extension install error

Hi, I've been trying without success to install the NicePage Joomla extension 3.25. My site is running Joomla 4.03. After tracing the exception, I get this Error: Class...
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Latest By Support Team

17 September 2021

Started 17 September 2021 by jim5862

Wishlist Nicepage 3.26: September 22, 2021 - Nicepage Joomla 4 Extension

Hello! We are happy to present the new Nicepage 3.26 update. What's New In This Update? Nicepage Joomla 4 Extension Drag Pages and Folders Move and Duplicate Pages Between Projects Grid Repeater...
15 Replies
5 Votes

Latest By Support Team

06 October 2021

Started 22 September 2021 by Support Team

6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

24 September 2021

Started 22 September 2021 by instantinlaw

Ask a Question Inatall Error on todays update

Using joomla 4 and installing todays version I get the following error: My name is Mark, and we are speaking about the problems you are having with an install for I find this error...
10 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 September 2021

Started 22 September 2021 by carlfarring

Ask a Question Joomla 4.03 = Joomla Plugin doesn't work

Hi (Joomla Plugin doesn't work !) You can explain why this is happening, since in the official update you say it works but it doesn't work. Attempting to install...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 September 2021

Started 23 September 2021 by adamkleszewski

Ask a Question Individual ,,free to use" menus

Dear sir or madam! I'm an individual user who tries to make some websites as a training. I cannot export my websites to html due to the premium license need. I just want to see my website in code...
2 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

23 September 2021

Started 23 September 2021 by kmisi66

Report a bug How to solve this?

I need to develop a decent template for my website, so I tried to upload to my Joomla 4 (non-beta, but real Joomla 4) site. No way... Troubles. I activated the...
6 Replies
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Latest By guido.herben

01 January 2023

Started 24 September 2021 by guido.herben

Ask a Question Wrap Menu items

Hi, Just wanting to wrap the text of my menu items to go over two lines, how can I achieve this? Thanks
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 September 2021

Started 27 September 2021 by kizzab77