Ask a Question Gradient Text on menu item

Hello, I was wondering if there is any to change the colour of the menu text item to gradient colour. Or maybe can it be done with css? please let us know as soon as you can. Thank you. Jlo
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Latest By Support Team

13 April 2021

Started 12 April 2021 by JayCeeLo

Report a bug Error when importing pages to joomla

Hello, when I import a page from the Mac Dektop App to Joomla using the "Import data" function of the nicepage joomla plugin, the page isn't createt nor updated in Joomla. Instead, PHP throws this...
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Latest By Support Team

13 April 2021

Started 13 April 2021 by nicepage240

Ask a Question Questions related to site pages

Hello! I have a few questions about using Nicepage :-) I built my site with 3 pages (Home, Blog, Gallery) and exported it as HTML. The exported file has both index.html and home.html. They are...
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15 April 2021

Started 15 April 2021 by kes01331

Ask a Question Integrations

I am using your platform tu create HTML web sites. I have a client that will need; enewsletter donations with receipt reservations with payment on line (like conferences, workshops...) Sales on line...
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Latest By Support Team

16 April 2021

Started 15 April 2021 by jldesign25

Ask a Question Error Message

I keep getting this error message (see attached). I spoke to my hosting account and they downgraded the php suggested by your client support here, but its still doing it? I don't know if anyone is...
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Latest By Support Team

16 April 2021

Started 16 April 2021 by jpesiganvzw

Ask a Question Gallery Block : empty H3

Hello, I use "Image Gallery" block in my webpage. I put some pictures in it. But in the source code I have empty H3 :/ I want to delete the empy H3 because there is not text, this a picture...
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2021

Started 18 April 2021 by blinder

Ask a Question HTML - Contact form PHP script - Submit

Hello, I have a PHP script contact form on my web server that correctly sends an e-mail. The form on the website gives an error message when send email or not send message. Do you have any how to...
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26 April 2021

Started 19 April 2021 by A casota dos bichos

Ask a Question iFrame shows thin border

Hi, created an iframe in a block, clicked on "no border", but it still shows a small line around the iframe. backdrop color white, line is black and backdrop color black, line is white. In a different...
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Latest By Support Team

22 April 2021

Started 20 April 2021 by casa34

Ask a Question copyright

Hello, I am a user of Nicepage Hosting Pro. I would like to ask you some questions. 1) Number of Sites: I want to know the exact meaning of Unlimited? 2) I can download 100 stock images per day, What...
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Latest By Support Team

21 April 2021

Started 21 April 2021 by jk.ahn1967

Report a bug List Item Problem

Hi! I have added a Text field, which is set as list item. When adding the items, and hitting the return, the cursor does not go to the next line. It remains on the same line. Also, when adding more...
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Latest By Support Team

29 April 2021

Started 29 April 2021 by rpoy

Ask a Question call button does not work

I used the call button and the link setting is set to phone number, yet it doesn`t work. I added a 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx. When I click on it, it shows it wants to call but the line says it cannot be...
7 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

30 April 2021

Started 30 April 2021 by purchase11

Ask a Question About image aspect ratio

Hello. I understand that to maintain the aspect ratio of the fixed page image, adjust the height until you see a red diagonal line. But it doesn't work when the image is "Cover". That said, if you set...
10 Replies
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28 February 2023

Started 02 May 2021 by hatsumelo_tw5

Ask a Question Edit HTML

Good evening ! Another mistake! It is not possible to add comments like // ..... in the html page editor. This happens when many lines of code have been added to the editor. Dear developers, we have...
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Latest By Support Team

06 May 2021

Started 04 May 2021 by pozitive.med2

Ask a Question Slider height 100vh

Hello, I can not configure a slider in 100vh it always remains in px. It's very complicated for responsive views between desktop and laptop. Can you help me on this point? Thank...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2021

Started 08 May 2021 by jeanmarcvieux

Ask a Question Template

Hello, i want to buy the pro Version of the nicepage. On the templates are pictures. Are they including in the pro Version? Can i use the templates one to one? And Where can i See the Portfolio of...
11 Replies
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Latest By William Gerlach

27 May 2021

Started 17 May 2021 by Sabinetan6