Ask a Question Manual Update

Hi, i accidentally skipped the last option for updating my desktop version (mac) of nicepage. I wanted to update manually but i can't find the option in menu. Can you tell me how to get the current...
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Latest By Support Team

18 August 2022

Started 18 August 2022 by ce›design

Ask a Question I exported the theme to wordpress (.zip) and only updated it from there!

Good evening everyone, I exported a theme to wordpress, working on it also in the office I had to modify it 2 whole days directly from the web .. now, I have to configure and fix the multilenguage...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

24 August 2022

Started 23 August 2022 by daniele.biasini23


Kind regards, Unfortunately, the Nicepage developers team have not been able to overcome with the bugs they bring with Nicepage updates, these updates stop working several elements, after they were...
13 Replies
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Latest By etorres

25 August 2022

Started 24 August 2022 by etorres

Ask a Question Contact Form and update frequency

Not a question this time, but a big thank you for changing the Contact Form function, which is great without need of server side coding. Also I appreciate the high update frequency; the new versions...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 August 2022

Started 25 August 2022 by vectorwhiz

Ask a Question Questions about Theme updates, current differences Online editor Vs Desktop app, Account login

Hi support, i got 3 important questions: (i saw answers to this in the forum but those are all from 2019. A lot has changed now, 3 years later) Theme updates: When does a theme need an update: - Is...
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Latest By Support Team

26 August 2022

Started 26 August 2022 by Primewebstart

Ask a Question How to upload updates to my hosting provider?

Hi. I have often wondered about this. Say I export the entire website from the desktop software and upload it to my hosting provider and the site is live. But what if I make some updates to the...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

05 September 2022

Started 26 August 2022 by vaivhav

Ask a Question Joomla Update 4.2.1

Joomla Update 4.2.1 is out. It reports that Nicepage plugins and extension are incompatible with the target Joomla version. I am also surprised to see that the plugins are version 1.0.0 as per...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 September 2022

Started 31 August 2022 by fpsteiner

Ask a Question My sites dissapeared after update Nicepage, can't retrieve them

Hi, After starting up my Mac and Nicepage I got a prompt to update Nicepage (update aug 24th). After restarting Nicepage all 'My Sites' on the left side were gone. Checking the forum on similar...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 September 2022

Started 31 August 2022 by An3s

Ask a Question Can not to edit pages after update to Joomla 4.22

Hi, I can not to edit pages after update Joomla to last version 4.22. All buttons is not active Please, see a video
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 September 2022

Started 05 September 2022 by

Ask a Question How to update the theme on remote hosting

On my hosted site it says the theme is older than the plugin. How do I update the theme? I've made changes using the plugin and it obviously doesnt port back to your site.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 September 2022

Started 22 September 2022 by travisridgell

Ask a Question Any Update about Arabic Language?

Any Update about Arabic Language or RTL
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Latest By MerlinAZ

24 September 2022

Started 24 September 2022 by awrao15sarwar

Report a bug Destroyed projects after update

Hello, after updating the desktop app to version 4.18.5 several projects are completely destroyed. See attached.
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Latest By Support Team

07 October 2022

Started 03 October 2022 by regczm

Ask a Question error 500 in joomla after PHP update

Hi, After PHP update from 7 to 8, my Nicepage gives HTTP error 500 when i want to edit a Nicepage article. Joomla version 3.10 PHP version 8.0 Nicepage version 4.19.2. Hosting: So, on php...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 October 2022

Started 14 October 2022 by JouwDesigner

Ask a Question Update

Hello, where can I update, writes me : " The active theme has a version lower than the plug-in version. Update the topic, too." but I can't find this update plug-in anywhere. I'm asking for your...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 October 2022

Started 21 October 2022 by Andrea Mazzoleni

Report a bug Snce last update UNDEFINED problem when duplicate page

Hello, when i go to the right corner of a page (3 bullets) and choose "duplicate" the new page has no content (only header and footer) and instead of it there is the text "undefined" in the preview...
10 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By bobthebuilder

31 January 2023

Started 30 October 2022 by info2762