99 Posts
etorres posted this 24 August 2022
Report a bug

Kind regards,

Unfortunately, the Nicepage developers team have not been able to overcome with the bugs they bring with Nicepage updates, these updates stop working several elements, after they were working properly, one of them is INSERT LINKS OR HYPERLINKS with the NICEPAGE PLUGIN OF THE WEB, due to the update from 4.16.0 to 4.17.7. The problem is that when I go to use the NICEPAGE PLUGIN on the web, and I want to insert a link in a BOTOM, it does not show me the LINK SETTINGS popup window, it refuses to show it to me. On the other hand in the Desktop version of Nicepage, it does show it to me.

I have been building everything from the web online, ie with the NICEPAGE PLUGIN, and I do not want to solve this, doing it from the Nicepage desktop and then export and import, NOOO, that would take too much time to re-activate all the modules I have created in Joomla, menus, etc, that would generate too much time, and I can not waste time. Also do not ask me to send you the project, because I have done most of the construction with the PLUGIN NICEPAGE, and the PLUGIN does not give the option to export the project.

Unfortunately, I updated two websites, with the new version 4.17.7, and I have the same problem.

Please, I need to solve this from the PLUGIN of NICEPAGE, I have to place more than 20 links in the buttons of each website, and it does not allow me, I can not advance, these sites were delivered to the District Mayor's Office, they are needing to incorporate the links in all the buttons, this error is presented thanks to the update from 4.16.0 to 4.17.7.

Attached are two videos of what is happening after the update:

First video from TIC site
Second video from SGC site

Kind regards, Unfortunately, the Nicepage developers team have not been able to overcome with the bugs they bring with Nicepage updates, these updates stop working several elements, after they were working properly, one of them is INSERT LINKS OR HYPERLINKS with the NICEPAGE PLUGIN OF THE WEB, due to the update from 4.16.0 to 4.17.7. The problem is that when I go to use the NICEPAGE PLUGIN on the web, and I want to insert a link in a BOTOM, it does not show me the LINK SETTINGS popup window, it refuses to show it to me. On the other hand in the Desktop version of Nicepage, it does show it to me. I have been building everything from the web online, ie with the NICEPAGE PLUGIN, and I do not want to solve this, doing it from the Nicepage desktop and then export and import, NOOO, that would take too much time to re-activate all the modules I have created in Joomla, menus, etc, that would generate too much time, and I can not waste time. Also do not ask me to send you the project, because I have done most of the construction with the PLUGIN NICEPAGE, and the PLUGIN does not give the option to export the project. Unfortunately, I updated two websites, with the new version 4.17.7, and I have the same problem. [][1] [][2] Please, I need to solve this from the PLUGIN of NICEPAGE, I have to place more than 20 links in the buttons of each website, and it does not allow me, I can not advance, these sites were delivered to the District Mayor's Office, they are needing to incorporate the links in all the buttons, this error is presented thanks to the update from 4.16.0 to 4.17.7. Attached are two videos of what is happening after the update: First video from TIC site Second video from SGC site [1]: [2]:

Last edited 24 August 2022 by etorres

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13 Replies
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21 Posts
Is Solution
kds772 posted this 24 August 2022

у меня такая же проблема, прошу разработчиков хотя бы дать скачать старую версию плагина и вернуть ее, чтоб было возможность далее делать сайт

у меня такая же проблема, прошу разработчиков хотя бы дать скачать старую версию плагина и вернуть ее, чтоб было возможность далее делать сайт
99 Posts
etorres posted this 24 August 2022

Hello kids772, how are you, if I notice that you also have the same problem as me, and this happened with the update, to the Nicepage developer team, I have stressed many times, that before launching a new version, they should REVIEW, REVIEW all the operation of the elements, because they always alter some element that was working correctly, but as I said in my request, they have not been able to overcome it, and this generates a blockage, because it cannot be solved from here, and we have to wait until to attend to us, and meanwhile the entity pressures us to solve it. This is complicated. Hopefully they fix this quickly for everyone. You tell me anything how yours is going. Greetings.

JOOMLA 4 Platform

Hello kids772, how are you, if I notice that you also have the same problem as me, and this happened with the update, to the Nicepage developer team, I have stressed many times, that before launching a new version, they should REVIEW, REVIEW all the operation of the elements, because they always alter some element that was working correctly, but as I said in my request, they have not been able to overcome it, and this generates a blockage, because it cannot be solved from here, and we have to wait until to attend to us, and meanwhile the entity pressures us to solve it. This is complicated. Hopefully they fix this quickly for everyone. You tell me anything how yours is going. Greetings. JOOMLA 4 Platform

Last edited 24 August 2022 by etorres

21 Posts
kds772 posted this 24 August 2022

дела хорошо, Слава Богу за все ! у меня такая же проблема, я обновил плагин и теперь все встало, не возможно ничего делать, хотя бы вернуть ту старую версию плагина а где ее взять , поспешил с обновлением (

дела хорошо, Слава Богу за все ! у меня такая же проблема, я обновил плагин и теперь все встало, не возможно ничего делать, хотя бы вернуть ту старую версию плагина а где ее взять , поспешил с обновлением (
99 Posts
etorres posted this 24 August 2022

Correct, every time I am going to update it, I think about it a lot and it scares me, because it always changes your template somewhere, one is in a hurry, it has happened to me many times with Nicepage, it is preferable better not to update and leave it that way , it is calmer, but you update and it surely comes with headaches, in trouble to be solved, I am not saying that Nicepage is bad, in fact it is among the best, but it has a lot to improve, especially the updates, which they launch and do not check that everything is fine, to avoid this headache for users.

Correct, every time I am going to update it, I think about it a lot and it scares me, because it always changes your template somewhere, one is in a hurry, it has happened to me many times with Nicepage, it is preferable better not to update and leave it that way , it is calmer, but you update and it surely comes with headaches, in trouble to be solved, I am not saying that Nicepage is bad, in fact it is among the best, but it has a lot to improve, especially the updates, which they launch and do not check that everything is fine, to avoid this headache for users.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 August 2022

Hi Edwin,

We are aware of the issue with the link button not working. Our developers are investigating it right now and we'll provide a fix in the next update. You can use the previous plug-in version meanwhile.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp

Hi Edwin, We are aware of the issue with the link button not working. Our developers are investigating it right now and we'll provide a fix in the next update. You can use the previous plug-in version meanwhile. https://nicepage.com/User/app/downloads Sorry for the inconvenience. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
99 Posts
etorres posted this 25 August 2022

Please provide me, the plugin of the above Nicepace Plugin which is version 4.16.0, as I don't have it, I appreciate it, because I can't wait one or two weeks for you guys to send us the solution, as I have to fix it. This immediately, the government entity does not wait, I hope that what I am trying to tell you is clear and consistent.

When the v4.16.0 plugin is sent to me, to install it, do I just install it on top of the v4.17.7 plugin?, or do I have to first uninstall the v4.17.7 plugin from Joomla to install v4.16.0.

I want to be sure what I am going to do, so as not to have other problems.


Please provide me, the plugin of the above Nicepace Plugin which is version 4.16.0, as I don't have it, I appreciate it, because I can't wait one or two weeks for you guys to send us the solution, as I have to fix it. This immediately, the government entity does not wait, I hope that what I am trying to tell you is clear and consistent. When the v4.16.0 plugin is sent to me, to install it, do I just install it on top of the v4.17.7 plugin?, or do I have to first uninstall the v4.17.7 plugin from Joomla to install v4.16.0. I want to be sure what I am going to do, so as not to have other problems. Thanks.

Last edited 25 August 2022 by etorres

Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 August 2022

Hi Edwin,

You can find previous versions here:

You can remove the new version of the plug-in on your site and install the old one then.

Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp

Hi Edwin, You can find previous versions here: https://nicepage.com/User/app/downloads You can remove the new version of the plug-in on your site and install the old one then. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
99 Posts
etorres posted this 25 August 2022

Ok. Thanks.

Before proceeding with the installation, I'll show you the installed extensions of Nicepage in Joomla 4, which of all should I uninstall in the image I sent you, only the one that says the button "Button - Nicepage Content Editor"?, please, point it out to me in the image, help me in this step so as not to uninstall the one that is not, as I said before, more than 50%, I have already built it with the Nicepage Online Plugin.

I wait fast answer.


Ok. Thanks. Before proceeding with the installation, I'll show you the installed extensions of Nicepage in Joomla 4, which of all should I uninstall in the image I sent you, only the one that says the button "Button - Nicepage Content Editor"?, please, point it out to me in the image, help me in this step so as not to uninstall the one that is not, as I said before, more than 50%, I have already built it with the Nicepage Online Plugin. I wait fast answer. Thanks.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 August 2022

Hi Edwin,

You can uninstall all of them and then import the new plug-in.

Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp

Hi Edwin, You can uninstall all of them and then import the new plug-in. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 August 2022

Hi Edwin,

You can uninstall all of them and then import the new plug-in.

Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp

Hi Edwin, You can uninstall all of them and then import the new plug-in. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
99 Posts
etorres posted this 25 August 2022


You have not understood me, that is precisely what I do not want to do: uninstall everything and then install everything again, doing it that way, I would have to activate hundreds of modules that I have created in Joomla, and also create again the menus or sites that I have built from the nicepage plugin, I repeat everything I did not build it from the nicepage desktop, more than 50% I built it in online mode, I want to avoid all that configuration and steps that I would have to do with the modules and new pages that I have created with the plugin since the site or online.

I don't know if I explain myself

That's why I ask you, without the need to uninstall everything, I just want to uninstall the nicepage plugin, without the need to uninstall all its components and reinstall only the plugin.

Look at the image I sent you, which is the specific extension that is the plugin that I must uninstall.

Please help me with this, I am urgent to solve this in the company.

Hello, You have not understood me, that is precisely what I do not want to do: uninstall everything and then install everything again, doing it that way, I would have to activate hundreds of modules that I have created in Joomla, and also create again the menus or sites that I have built from the nicepage plugin, I repeat everything I did not build it from the nicepage desktop, more than 50% I built it in online mode, I want to avoid all that configuration and steps that I would have to do with the modules and new pages that I have created with the plugin since the site or online. I don't know if I explain myself That's why I ask you, without the need to uninstall everything, I just want to uninstall the nicepage plugin, without the need to uninstall all its components and reinstall only the plugin. Look at the image I sent you, which is the specific extension that is the plugin that I must uninstall. Please help me with this, I am urgent to solve this in the company.
Support Team
Support Team posted this 25 August 2022

Hi Edwin,

I have just contacted our developers and they have released the fix for this issue. Please instead of removing the plug-in and then installing the new one. So please update the plug-in.

Nicepage Support Team

Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1
Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp

Hi Edwin, I have just contacted our developers and they have released the fix for this issue. Please instead of removing the plug-in and then installing the new one. So please update the plug-in. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
99 Posts
etorres posted this 25 August 2022

It worked, thank you very much.

As a recommendation, inform the developers that before launching a new version, please review all the components, so you save yourself inconveniences and we as end users too, I recommend them.


It worked, thank you very much. As a recommendation, inform the developers that before launching a new version, please review all the components, so you save yourself inconveniences and we as end users too, I recommend them. Greetings.
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