Report a bug diverse update zaken

Hallo, (1) wij hebben een aantal Joomla4-sites die we allen hebben aangemaakt m.b.v. Nicepage. De desktopsoftware werd tot voor kort altijd uit zichzelf aangeleverd maar dit keer niet. Om te bekijken...
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Latest By Support Team

23 March 2023

Started 22 March 2023 by brimahandel

Ask a Question nicepage V5.7.9 not automatic update

Normally the new version will prompt to update software. My one is at V5.6.2. Once V5.7.9 coming up (Noticed by email), its is not prompt for update when I open the application as usual. Please...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 March 2023

Started 23 March 2023 by attason.k

Ask a Question Update clicked away

Hello dear Nicepage team, Unfortunately, I accidentally clicked away the note in the web app during the last update. Can I actually download and install the latest Windows version 5.7.9 from your...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 April 2023

Started 05 April 2023 by seosem

Ask a Question How can I give my team access for making site updates like text and images?

Hello, I am part of a small group and need to give access to two or three people so they can also update texting images on our groups web site. I am currently the NicePage account holder and site...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 April 2023

Started 05 April 2023 by Little Beverly Hills Neighborhood Organization

Report a bug loading problem after update to Vers. 5.8.2

Good Day after update to version 5.8.2 we are not able to lod desktop version anymore \see video: plase advice
2 Replies
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Latest By noobcrypt33

16 April 2023

Started 16 April 2023 by

Ask a Question Windows app update process removes pinned status

Why does the Windows app for Nicepage forget its "pinned" status when performing a version update? This behaviour can be extremely frustrating, as I keep having to perform a search for the updated app...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

24 April 2023

Started 21 April 2023 by chris693

Ask a Question How to update meta data for a Blog Control, both blog list and posts

Hi I have added a Blog control in my website and few blog pages too but I was not able to figure out if it is possible to customise the meta data of each post as well as the title in HEAD section. Can...
11 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

04 May 2023

Started 26 April 2023 by M S

Ask a Question Latest Update / How to add category to product list?

Good Morning, in your latest update, you mentioned the following: Advanced Filter For Products And Posts We have implemented the vertical Categories, which you can add to the Product List and ...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 April 2023

Started 27 April 2023 by pacificstorm1

Wishlist Update

Hello, below such are outdated, do you intend to update? jQuery - v3.5.1 is on v3.6.4 PhotoSwipe - v4.1.3 is in v5.3.7. JavaScript Cookie - v2.2.1 is in v3.0.5. Animate.css - v3.7.2 is in...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

27 April 2024

Started 28 April 2023 by Gilson_RG

Ask a Question Site not updating

I have made some changes to a site hosted with nicepage but it doesn't update when I publish the changes... I tried to empty the cache with shift+f5 and tried on a different browser and still no...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 May 2023

Started 06 May 2023 by foisynicolas

Ask a Question Updating Nicepage theme

Hi, A while ago you sent me this link: My questionis, what do I do, if I don't have the page in Nicepage desktop app anymore? I've...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 May 2023

Started 15 May 2023 by oešwnigvđoinfOIR

Ask a Question Free updates until 18-May-2025

I just bought a Pro license and somehow missed the "Free updates until 18-May-2025" add on. Can you add it to the account? Thanks, Rick Laudati
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Latest By Support Team

19 May 2023

Started 19 May 2023 by jpr1

Ask a Question Update 5.10.10

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Latest By Support Team

25 May 2023

Started 24 May 2023 by heikom36

Ask a Question Site not updating to latest version

My Nicepage version is 5.11.2 but see the latest version is 5.12 how do i update manually
3 Replies
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Latest By negigulshan903

21 June 2023

Started 20 June 2023 by bagbros1

Ask a Question Update issues with font (text in Mac

I am having serious issues with font type in MAC since I updated the app. Wasted time and it is REALLY frustrating
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

21 June 2023

Started 21 June 2023 by izlitt