Ask a Question Joomla 4.1 Update - Potential conflict with Nicepage modules

I have one site that I have Nicepage installed on that is using Joomla 4. It is flagging potential conflicts with three Nicepage modules when inviting me to update Joomla 4.0.6 to Joomla 4.1. These...
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Latest By Support Team

03 October 2022

Started 15 February 2022 by chris693

Ask a Question Updates have ruined my website files and Nice page Software do that now it is limited after I purchased!?

I bought the unlimited for a reason. Now its not unlimited? This is the only reason I came here. So now I've lost my website files and the software I bought outright because of updates!???! . Not very...
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Latest By MerlinAZ

01 March 2022

Started 21 February 2022 by chantzwebsite

Ask a Question Nicepage Updates

I bought an Ultimate plan of design pack. After a year after purchase, Will you stop providing us updates? What will be extra charges to a lifetime subscription to get a lifetime update of nicepage
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Latest By MerlinAZ

26 February 2022

Started 26 February 2022 by Web Sarathi

Ask a Question The cost of update reneal

How much money of the 40% will be for ultimate license
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Latest By MerlinAZ

04 March 2022

Started 04 March 2022 by nsarantopoulos68

Ask a Question Warning after update

After updating I received the folowing warnings is this normal? 1) No checksum found on the update server. 2) JInstaller: :Install: Can't find XML setup file. and a verify 3) Updating component was...
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Latest By Support Team

21 March 2022

Started 19 March 2022 by na15575


Kind regards Nicepace team. I had the intention of extending the updates of my PRO plan, but, I observe two important aspects, 1- its value is very expensive and 2- when you buy it, they add a tax at...
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Latest By Support Team

22 March 2022

Started 22 March 2022 by etorres

Ask a Question Error after update to last release

Hello, why i always get this error in every project? Thanks
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23 March 2022

Started 22 March 2022 by Alexr

Ask a Question Update

Is there any provision for integrating PHP scripts, such as chatting and uploading files to common sites?
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Latest By Support Team

04 April 2022

Started 01 April 2022 by denilsonrodriguesd

Report a bug Crop Image Option no Longer available after recent update

I can no longer crop an image after the last update. I can only crop by using the width and height but I can't center the image.
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Latest By mobilu

04 April 2022

Started 04 April 2022 by mobilu

Ask a Question Latest update version 4.9 not installing

My latest update version 4.9 is not automatically installing. Is there something I need to do?
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Latest By Support Team

25 April 2022

Started 25 April 2022 by brnstnmrng

Ask a Question Nicepage 4.10.5 Update

I updated my Nicepage to the latest version 4.10.5 and and am having trouble with adding images, saving images and downloading pages. Is there anyway to fix these issues because I am in the middle of...
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Latest By Support Team

02 May 2022

Started 01 May 2022 by ayopeterson

Report a bug update downgrade issue

Hello, I made the offered update but after I could not save to html. Now I made the downgrade what the software offered, still issue but now read-only site issue Please help me to solve...
10 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

12 May 2022

Started 02 May 2022 by info4167

Ask a Question i already apy for business version, but i still cannot use the update font function, please help me.

i already apy for business version, but i still cannot use the update font function, please help me.
2 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

13 May 2022

Started 13 May 2022 by dulyleemango

Ask a Question Desktop App, Theme and plugin update

Hello, why is there difference between desktop version (4.10.5) and plugin version in WP (4.11.1)? Wordpress constantly anoys me with messge to update the theme but theme has the version of desktop...
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Latest By Support Team

17 May 2022

Started 17 May 2022 by golobales

Report a bug Latest Nicepage update triggers Avast anti-virus response

I attempted to update Nicepage a few moments ago to the latest version and it triggered a response from Avast Free anti-virus. The program was placed in quarantine and left me with no working version...
9 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By hisgraceorganics.4starters

18 June 2022

Started 18 May 2022 by jack.from.canada