Report a bug Javascript error on opening NicePage

I get immediately on opening NicePage under Windows 10 an Java Error as seen in the ataached file (xxx.jpg) Any solutions ?
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Latest By matthew325

02 March 2024

Started 15 July 2019 by roelofensing2

Report a bug Line missing in Joomla article override

Hi, the following line ist missing in the Joomla template: File: html/com_content/featured/default.php: ${'readmore' . $j} = strlen($article->readmore) ? $article->readmore : ''; ${'readmoreLink'...
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Latest By Support Team

19 July 2019

Started 18 July 2019 by brandl

Ask a Question Newsletter

I recieved an newsletter from: Hello, We are happy to present Nicepage's update! In this update: We have added the Pre-Designed Blocks Gallery. It allows creating websites faster, achieving perfect...
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Latest By Support Team

25 July 2019

Started 19 July 2019 by info3302

Ask a Question Can't scroll to add shortcode

Hi, I'm trying to add a position in an article for a shortcode using Nicepage in the Joomla backend. However (on my laptop) I can't scroll down the menu when clicking "add". See attached screenshot....
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Latest By Support Team

29 July 2019

Started 21 July 2019 by kinju_oz

Ask a Question position sidebar

Hi, I cannot add a sidebar in nicepage is this only available in a paid version. I have followed video but when it tells me to open new page then click add position-shortcode it is not in my menu...
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Latest By Support Team

29 July 2019

Started 26 July 2019 by bernie11

Ask a Question Nicepage Interface Issue

When I am viewing NIcepage's mobile layout (while building my site) I run into this problem: The "Hide on Mobile" menu gets lost under the windows taskbar. You can see what I mean in the provided jpg.
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Latest By Support Team

30 July 2019

Started 26 July 2019 by inkblot12

Report a bug Desperate

Desperate to get the export to HTML problem fixed, I totally re-build the specific page in question from scratch. I even renamed the page... After updating to version 1.12.0 I hoped that maybe one of...
5 Replies
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Latest By jf8

31 July 2019

Started 27 July 2019 by jf8

Ask a Question Off-canvas Position

Is it possible to add joomla modules to the off-canvas area. I need to be able to add extra items under the off-canvas menu.
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Latest By Support Team

29 July 2019

Started 28 July 2019 by admin

Ask a Question Confused web 3.0 where is add section? sidebar?

I decided to try Nicepage again for Joomla, after giving up last time, because of issues with Themler. The problem is, I tried watching the tutorial videos, but it isn't the same as the one I'm seeing...
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Latest By Support Team

05 August 2019

Started 02 August 2019 by jlruby

Ask a Question Can you please add an option that allows to copy/cut & "paste in the same place" objects?

Hello again. I think this "Paste in the same place" options will be very usufull for example while personalizing the button popup menu and adding things like logo, social icons or so... Or for...
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Latest By Support Team

09 September 2019

Started 08 August 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Text logo in header can´t be linked

Hello again, Nicepage Team. I was trying to let a text as logo in the header for a specific theme/website but noticed that this text can´t be linked as normal text... for example to take users to the...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 December 2020

Started 12 August 2019 by LGALLP


I created two websites and both are not there once I upload the new version. Is there a way to recover them?
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23 March 2022

Started 12 August 2019 by design69

Ask a Question 1.16 update error

Updated to latest version on a Windows 10 system. On startup, I get an error that it can't make a directory. It gets stuck after that on a blank Loading screen and I can't access anything. Error...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 September 2019

Started 30 August 2019 by vicki2


Hi, I created a site and tweaked it for each platform (pc, laptop, phone etc) separately and had it how I liked. Then I opened the program today to make more changes and the hamburger menu as well as...
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Latest By Support Team

15 November 2021

Started 01 September 2019 by Ultimate Performance Giveaways

Ask a Question Upload to Joomla wrong

I work with Nicepage Pro 1.16.0 & Joomla 3.9.11. Each time, when I update my template and upload it & content to Joomla, the menu is going wrong. The articles get an other internal ID so that...
3 Replies
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Latest By sprint

08 September 2019

Started 06 September 2019 by sprint