Ask a Question Joomla Template content and desing

Hello , Must I export the article content and the Template separatly ? In export (for joomla) screen and the Youtube demo, it's not clearly stated. Can you clarify ? When the export is done...
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Latest By Support Team

30 January 2019

Started 29 January 2019 by ago

Ask a Question Review of NP after 48h usage

Owkey, these are my first impressions. Let's start with the PRO's: + Nicepage is simply a-m-a-z-i-n-g when it comes to grid layouts, free positioning and layer-based design... The sky is the limit....
1 Reply
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

01 February 2019

Started 31 January 2019 by pietercooreman

Ask a Question Anchor point locations for one page websites

I have created a one-page website with the menu "sticky at the top". But when a menu item is selected, the first part of the section is hidden under the menu. How can I get it to work so that the...
8 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

23 September 2020

Started 01 February 2019 by Christie G

Ask a Question blog template has too much spacing between paragraphs

I added some blog posts to my Joomla website yesterday. They use the Joomla menu item type Category Blog. The actual posts were written in Joomla, but they did not use the NIcepage extension for...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 December 2019

Started 04 February 2019 by martin333

Ask a Question Adding HTML / Code

I am trying to create a new page online and need to add some HTML. I notice that the add HTML is only available on the desktop version?? The problem, the online/live site is out of synch with desktop...
12 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 May 2024

Started 06 February 2019 by john13

Report a bug Site Settings Title Missing

I am setting up my SEO on the sites I am building. Your online documentation talks about at 'Title' field in the Site Settings. However, I do not have that feature. I have Site Name, Home Page,...
6 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By kenneth.lang

13 February 2019

Started 11 February 2019 by kenneth.lang

Report a bug Version 1.0.225 causing File not found (404)

Hello, I downloaded the latest desktop version this morning and made some adjustments to my site and analytics. I uploaded the site and now this is what happens. When I launch the site it works just...
9 Replies
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Latest By kenneth.lang

14 February 2019

Started 12 February 2019 by kenneth.lang

Report a bug Meta Data in Site Settings Not Working

Good morning, Still on my site I have been added to my SEO in Site Settings, when I add or change the meta data it would be carried over to all my other pages, or it did up to today....
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 February 2019

Started 12 February 2019 by kenneth.lang

Ask a Question multi-language

Hello, is it possible to create a multi-language website with nicepage? (languages such as german, english, spain, ...) Hope of your prompt reply. Thanks.
52 Replies
27 Votes

Latest By Support Team

01 August 2022

Started 13 February 2019 by office132

Ask a Question White Label review and some question

Hi I have some questions on the white label, which I really appreciate as a feature: I must say that it is fantastisc as you have implemented it. in joomla it's fantastic..... WHITE LABEL IS...
7 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

21 February 2019

Started 14 February 2019 by Giumarr

Ask a Question Nicepage Update: February 2019 - Animations

Hello Everyone! We are happy to announce the newest update of Nicepage! Please make sure to download and install the latest Nicepage version from the Download page at...
8 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Support Team

26 February 2019

Started 21 February 2019 by Support Team

Wishlist When will be Folders/Subfolders for subpages available?

When will subfolders-creation for subpages/categories available? I need it to keep my current folder-structures like this: Nicepage put everything into the same...
11 Replies
12 Votes

Latest By AfonsoHackers

08 June 2021

Started 26 February 2019 by wetterblumen

Report a bug nicepage made articles are ignoring joomla SEF parameters

When I import sites made by nicepage, the URL are like www., even if I´ve edited the Joomla configuration to "SEF-friendly". So solve this problem,...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

06 March 2019

Started 05 March 2019 by kontakt27

Ask a Question Problem with Predesigned Sections in Pro version

Hello everyone, I have PRO version of nicepage and I have a problem with Predesigned Sections, it is not like we can see in video tutorial and documentation. I do not have Categories at the top when...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 July 2019

Started 06 March 2019 by mhbelkebir2

Ask a Question Kopfzeile

Kopfzeile einfügen
5 Replies
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31 August 2023

Started 08 March 2019 by info1675