Ask a Question Conditional menu items based on device type

Is there a way to add a menu item but only make it visible on mobile devices (e.g. the tel:1234567890 protocol URL). There may also be times when a page has been added to a project, but that page is...
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Latest By Support Team

20 August 2019

Started 19 August 2019 by jack.from.canada

Ask a Question Responsive Problem

Hello, Problems with the design :( this is how the section looks in the original on the desktop. This is how the section looks in the real preview on the...
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Latest By Support Team

26 August 2019

Started 23 August 2019 by nd


Hi, I created a site and tweaked it for each platform (pc, laptop, phone etc) separately and had it how I liked. Then I opened the program today to make more changes and the hamburger menu as well as...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 November 2021

Started 01 September 2019 by Ultimate Performance Giveaways

Ask a Question Is it possible to display menu items in two lines?

Is it possible to display menu items in two lines? (line break)
15 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

28 March 2024

Started 03 September 2019 by info19132

Report a bug Small viewport problem - bug

A problem for devices of 320px width, the contents are not centered, so texts and photos are cut. There are still 320px smartphones in circulation, your software works well over 375px width. Please...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 July 2024

Started 11 September 2019 by info1836

Ask a Question Support

I know this is not the wright helpdesk... But why doesn't react the support of themler no longer on any questions. I have bought software pakkages (themler and nicepage) so it's fair to have some help...
25 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 June 2023

Started 12 September 2019 by dhondtkris

Ask a Question Image Rotation in Cell

When I upload my images, they appear fine in the uploader and in my file manager. However when I insert into the cell the image is rotated and I am not able to figure out how to rotate the image back...
48 Replies
8 Votes

Latest By Support Team

12 September 2022

Started 12 September 2019 by gaylewashburn2

Report a bug Grid structures which are not fully responsive

Hello NicePage Team, there are grid structures selectable in NicePage which are not fully resposive. Look at the print screens attached. This grid with 7 cells is showing in two responsive modes 3...
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Latest By Support Team

16 September 2019

Started 13 September 2019 by marcor

Ask a Question Top menu item does not open on mobile menus - only sub menu items

Hi, I have menu with sub items. Also the top menu item is a page, but it does not open in mobile menu. Mobile menu expands nicely, but I can only open the sub menu pages. The top menu item page does...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 December 2019

Started 13 September 2019 by smh_602

Ask a Question ALT-Text

I can only enter the ALT-text of pictures before they fitted in the grid? Why isn´t it possible to give them an ALT-Text if they a fitting perfectly?
8 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Support Team

14 January 2021

Started 15 September 2019 by kontakt27

Ask a Question Problem with footer

Good day I am busy designing a site and created a footer with four blocks with the last of the block a button that links to a specific page wher visitors can sign up for a newsletter. When I edited...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 September 2019

Started 17 September 2019 by Domain Host Pro Admin

Ask a Question Embed Youtube Video Responsiveness

How can I make an embed video responsive for mobile and other sites? The YouTube video stays the same size when previewing in mobile mode. I am trying to fit it into a container that is responsive,...
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Latest By Support Team

18 September 2019

Started 17 September 2019 by ismaelpohlert2

Ask a Question A Gift for you: Smooth Back to Top scrolling HTML Code

Hello Nicepage friends. I wish you a good day. I´m happy to share with you an HTML code that would help you add "Smooth Back to Top Scrolling" to your websites. As "best practice" tip, I recomend...
5 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By LGALLP

23 September 2019

Started 20 September 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question responsiveness

Hi NP Team, Quick question on responsiveness. Am I right that responsiveness only works one way? e.g. can only hide on mobile but can't hide on desktop? I would like to show something on mobile but...
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Latest By Support Team

02 October 2019

Started 02 October 2019 by Bob Roberts

Ask a Question Nicepage <-> Mobirise

Hello, I'm a webdesigner in Germany and I worked within the last 3 with Mobirise, before with netobjects fusion. I have no time at the moment to read your complete documentation, so let me ask you...
5 Replies
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22 March 2021

Started 03 October 2019 by stober2