Ask a Question youtube audio

Hi support team, Why if I insert a video from url youtube (without using the function "insert html" from embedded code by youtube), the audio is not heard? Thanks
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Latest By Support Team

14 June 2021

Started 22 June 2019 by rafviola2

Ask a Question removed complains

I just responded to a legitimate complaint from someone, but before I finished, the page had already disappeared. Personally, I think it is very childish to take that action, because most of the...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Lynn

27 June 2019

Started 22 June 2019 by Willem

Ask a Question Drop down menu

On my ipadPro 11" the drop down menu on my website doesn't stay down when clicking "om pto" in the menu, making it impossible to click any sub menu. "Om pto" is a page in it self and in desktop...
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Latest By Support Team

24 June 2019

Started 24 June 2019 by jf8

Ask a Question Some blocks are moving

When I adapt the content of a team section in the different formats of responsivity, even after saving, blocks are moving. I mean, if I organize the structure of the elements inside a box ( picture +...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 June 2019

Started 26 June 2019 by Tiu

Ask a Question Responsive font not resizing as needed

I'm working on my first responsive website for a customer and I'm excited that this so far has been easy to learn. (well sort of lol) Look here you can see the layout in text not an image but the...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 July 2019

Started 28 June 2019 by Domains

Report a bug Video on mobile view

Hello in this site The video at the top is looking good in all views (full screen) accept the upright phone mode It have big margins from both sides In the back end the...
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Latest By Support Team

01 July 2019

Started 28 June 2019 by priya3

Ask a Question Mobile Site

Mobile pages are not aligned in the center on mobile device. I can swipe to the left and there is a white small line from some of the items stretching out of the section. But it seems to be perfectly...
7 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Lightsy

11 March 2020

Started 02 July 2019 by rikd

Report a bug Form missing inputs, at latest version?!

At the latest version of nicepage, i am missing the inputs text in the preview and websites/mobile "live" online views of the forms. form-leeg.jpg = the way you get to see it live, online and in...
10 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Vildana

22 August 2019

Started 06 July 2019 by Vildana

Ask a Question Nicepage should be updateable even without internet connection

Hello, Nicepage Team. Hope you´re having a great day. I have a personal license of Nicepage, and I´m not having internet services at home right now for some personal problems... and I´ve just noticed...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

31 July 2019

Started 12 July 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Bug suite à la nouvelle mise à jour

bonjour J'ai fait la mise à jour et depuis j'ai une zone blanche à droite sur les smartphone. Pouvez-vous regarder? merci
4 Replies
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Latest By tamara

15 September 2020

Started 22 July 2019 by tamara

Ask a Question Contact form anti spam problem

I am really not happy with Nicepage contact form being not more flexible when connected with contact form 7. The main issue is spam. One option is to add google recaptcha V3, that is slowing down the...
10 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By @ITS

01 November 2023

Started 31 July 2019 by whdmike

Ask a Question Java Script Code with out adding new block

How do add javascript code (in body or botton of the page) to my pages WITHOUT adding new block. I simple want to copy and paste code on the page via HTML source directly? Also when I use nice page...
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Latest By Support Team

05 August 2019

Started 04 August 2019 by xxxTRISTAMxxx

Ask a Question MENU TIPO BOTÃO

Não consigo alterar o tipo de menu da página, só aparece o tipo botão, quando escolho a opção de alterar o menu, não aparece nenhuma opção com o menu no modo padrão, somente o de botão, esse tipo de...
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Latest By Support Team

13 August 2019

Started 13 August 2019 by JMTarrio

Wishlist Visually Challenged requirements for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Recently Dominos Pizza lost a court case and was ordered to comply with the ADA in the US on their phone app and website. Currently Nicepage has no options to comply with that ruling, ie, I cannot...
4 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

19 August 2019

Started 13 August 2019 by Doug G.

Wishlist Make typography scalable for mobile view vs desktop view

When you have a titel of size 60 @ desktop view, this wil not look nice in mobile view. An option to make it scalable would be a solutions to this problem, to scale it to 50%, then in the mobile view...
2 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By support35422

13 May 2022

Started 18 August 2019 by Vildana