Ask a Question Can't add back to top button on existing pages

When I go to page settings on existing websites created with older versions of Nicepage I get the message "back to top not available when using theme template" How can I fix this pls ?
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Latest By Support Team

14 December 2020

Started 09 December 2020 by Peere

Ask a Question Payments

I have purchased a one of payment now you are asking for another Premium payment otherwise I can't use many of the features, I was told it would be a one off payment only.
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Latest By Support Team

11 December 2020

Started 11 December 2020 by kent2

Ask a Question disappearing modals

For the third time now I lose all modals...Not sure what is going on...I have to re-create them each time.... Can I import my site back to Nicepage to get modals back? Thank you for any help with...
4 Replies
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Latest By shawn.cowman

14 December 2020

Started 11 December 2020 by shawn.cowman

Ask a Question Regarding your testimonial template

I just want to use your testimonial. Can I use it for free? Can I upload at my hosting space for free? Can I just upload...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 December 2020

Started 12 December 2020 by

Ask a Question I can use the theme editor online?

Hi, i can use the theme editor for blog/post, product list/details/shopping and lateral box? Because into the online editor i can't find it normal or a "bug"/version dind't uploaded...
3 Replies
1 Votes

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22 December 2020

Started 12 December 2020 by

Ask a Question licensing question

Can I install the free Nicepage WordPress plugin on subsites and let subsite admins use it on their subsites? If they choose, they can then purchase the paid versions for their own sites. Thanks
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 December 2020

Started 12 December 2020 by j007w1

Ask a Question pro plan

Hello, if I buy the Nicepage Pro Windows App version, will I have a lifetime Windows App? or is it a monthly plan?
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Latest By Support Team

14 December 2020

Started 12 December 2020 by aramvoskanyan45

Ask a Question Can't get my website responsive

I'm busy making a template with the most recent version of NP. The header is responsive, but the pictures are not. check: I copied the html...
4 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

07 February 2022

Started 13 December 2020 by richardkruizinga

Ask a Question menu contents does not appear in preview mode but the logo does accepts changes

hi there, i've designed a 5 pages an mac app and loaded them on joomla cms online, everything goes fine, except the pages menu appears on design mode on nice page and accepts modifications but when...
3 Replies
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19 January 2021

Started 13 December 2020 by yazid.addis

Ask a Question Arbitrary layout issues appear, then disappear

I didn't renew my subscription to NicePage for 2 years because I found it way too buggy. After seeing a lot of improvements and added features, I decided to try it again. After creating my first site...
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2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

16 December 2020

Started 14 December 2020 by imthepipe2

Ask a Question Editing text on products block

Is it just me...? I've added a products block - when I click on the title or text, it gives me all the options to change the style but it has no way of changing the text. It seems very strange to...
4 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By kel.1st

26 July 2024

Started 14 December 2020 by mattmonaghancreative

Ask a Question Header and footer with language switcher from joomla

Hi good morning, excuse me but we have a little troubles about the language switcher in nicepage, because the footer doesn´t change to english version, only the header changes. Could you help us to...
5 Replies
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17 December 2020

Started 14 December 2020 by Polakgrupo

Ask a Question I cannot start Nice Page after downloading and installing software

I cannot start Nice Page after downloading and installing software. I purchased the new version and downloaded the installation file, installed the program and it does not run. It gives me an...
10 Replies
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07 January 2021

Started 15 December 2020 by fairfax2

Ask a Question How do I reupload or update my website?

I have a personal license which allows for 1 website, which is already live. I made a lot of changes with the desktop app. When I try to import it with the online editor, it says that I need another...
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Latest By Support Team

16 December 2020

Started 15 December 2020 by sabrinacosta

Ask a Question about price

hey there i am attending to buy pro plan but i have a inquire , could i use this license on tow computers ? is there any way to do that ? another question , is there any annual extra fee i should pay...
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15 December 2020

Started 15 December 2020 by oneline.adv