Ask a Question Pre Purchase inquires

Hello I really appreciate your great work in this amazing software... thank you Before I decide to buy it, please let me get your reply for the below inquires. 1- Are you planning to make this...
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Latest By Support Team

08 December 2020

Started 05 December 2020 by ok_950

Ask a Question Screen Size

There is an element on my phone screen size i do not want to show. When I remove it , it dissappears from my desktop version. Getting behind on a project , please use the login creds from my previous...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2020

Started 05 December 2020 by carlfarring

Ask a Question Scroll modal

Good evening. Could you scroll a modal window? The problem is that if the information in the modal window goes beyond the screen size of the mobile device, it cannot be viewed.
11 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

29 November 2022

Started 05 December 2020 by pozitive.med2

Report a bug The "from" field in the form is not working

Despite entering the e-mail address in the from field in the form settings, the script still sends e-mails from the address it is supposed to send to. This causes google to mark email as unsafe. In...
8 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 February 2021

Started 05 December 2020 by sebol72

Ask a Question License

How do i get a license?
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16 December 2020

Started 06 December 2020 by Alimentarius

Ask a Question Почему всё время просит купить премиум ?

Вообщем суть такова, я хочу использовать графику на своём сайте и выбираю её через вашу галерею. Я имею бизнес лицензию Но когда я нажимаю на изображение которое хочу использовать, меня просят...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 December 2020

Started 06 December 2020 by etoka1987

Ask a Question cannot export html in basic plan

Hello, why i cannot export html in basic plan??
19 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 July 2022

Started 07 December 2020 by luka.cigale02

Report a bug Post Template Not Functioning

I'm not sure why when I customize the post template in the desktop editor, the changes do not show up in the CMS, particularly the footer changes. If you look at my screenshots you'll see what I've...
8 Replies
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Latest By shane53

14 December 2020

Started 07 December 2020 by shane53

Ask a Question website export

hi guys, i am working at the university of Düsseldorf as a Research assistant and recently I've been working on a website using Nicepage. At the beginning I could export my draft to show my boss...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2020

Started 07 December 2020 by marco.rizzo52

Ask a Question Responsive of table

Hi, i really would know how make the tables responsive..because in mobile version they became a little meesed up. Thanks Gabriele Viola
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12 December 2020

Started 07 December 2020 by

Ask a Question How can I set up form to be sent on my mail adress.

I need help about form that i made on my web site. I want to set up form to be sent on my mail adress after filling. Thanks
7 Replies
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Latest By miljan.vulovic

10 December 2020

Started 08 December 2020 by miljan.vulovic

Ask a Question How to enable auto update for "White Level Plugin"?

Hello, Does anyone know, how can i enable auto update for my white level WordPress plugin? Currently I am using "ULTIMATE" license of Nicepage & generate plugin from desktop version & upload...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 December 2020

Started 08 December 2020 by wpexpertinbd

Ask a Question 2 вопроса: непонятный элемент не являющийся блоком сайта. И в каком формате прописывать Canonical в настройках сайта?

Добрый день. 1) Непонятно как появился между блоками непонятный элемент (смотрите скриншот Element.jpg). Подскажите, пожалуйста, как удалить, или хотя бы где копаться? :-) И из за чего оно появиться...
10 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 December 2020

Started 09 December 2020 by

Ask a Question WodrPress 5.6 big problem width menu

I upgraded today WordPress to 5.6 version and it's shock for me. On this page when I click on any menu or link, that is show only black page. When I write adress...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

09 December 2020

Started 09 December 2020 by jan.stuhl

Ask a Question Software Compatibility

Before I buy, is the nicepage software download compatible with Wordpress 5.5 and up? How often is the software updated?
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Latest By Support Team

10 December 2020

Started 09 December 2020 by thehashbrown27