Ask a Question Is it possible to display menu items in two lines?

Is it possible to display menu items in two lines? (line break)
15 Replies
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28 March 2024

Started 03 September 2019 by info19132

Ask a Question How do I get the wordpress blog feed to display full text?

In the wordpress site I'm working on, we would prefer the blog feed to display full text and photos rather than a snippet and 'read more.' How do we set up the theme to do that?
13 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 December 2023

Started 03 September 2019 by calgarypix2

Ask a Question Upload to Joomla wrong

I work with Nicepage Pro 1.16.0 & Joomla 3.9.11. Each time, when I update my template and upload it & content to Joomla, the menu is going wrong. The articles get an other internal ID so that...
3 Replies
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Latest By sprint

08 September 2019

Started 06 September 2019 by sprint

Ask a Question my content does not show in joomla

I have added the nicepage plugin for joomla, created a theme then exported it (yes ticked all boxes for content, menus etc) and used joomla to import as template. It is not a big site, only one page...
16 Replies
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Latest By melvin185

16 April 2023

Started 07 September 2019 by JMC

Ask a Question How to embed self hosted video?

Hello, Nicepage Team. I´m creating a website that needs to embed videos but not from Youtube but self hosted videos... How can this be achieve in Nicepage? Don´t want to use plugins or inserted HTML...
10 Replies
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25 May 2020

Started 09 September 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Support

I know this is not the wright helpdesk... But why doesn't react the support of themler no longer on any questions. I have bought software pakkages (themler and nicepage) so it's fair to have some help...
25 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

13 June 2023

Started 12 September 2019 by dhondtkris

Ask a Question Image Rotation in Cell

When I upload my images, they appear fine in the uploader and in my file manager. However when I insert into the cell the image is rotated and I am not able to figure out how to rotate the image back...
48 Replies
8 Votes

Latest By Support Team

12 September 2022

Started 12 September 2019 by gaylewashburn2

Report a bug White Label, not really

Hi, if you search in the files of a Joomla Installation with White Label Nicepage (with a completely different name), still you will find 488 hits for the term "nicepage". A curious client will do...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 March 2020

Started 13 September 2019 by shalmaxb

Ask a Question Nicepage WP Editor shows "Copy" option but doesn´t show "Paste" option

Hello, Nicepagers :) I´m editing a website that´s online and just noticed that Nicepage Wordpress Editor shows the "Copy" option on right click but then, I go to another page and when right click it...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

16 September 2019

Started 13 September 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question ALT-Text

I can only enter the ALT-text of pictures before they fitted in the grid? Why isn´t it possible to give them an ALT-Text if they a fitting perfectly?
8 Replies
6 Votes

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14 January 2021

Started 15 September 2019 by kontakt27

Ask a Question ultimate licence for private person now but for one year for company

Hi My question is ... I need ultimate version but I am still private person - I have no registered company yet. If I will buy licence now - without registering company - what will be with my licence...
1 Reply
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17 September 2019

Started 16 September 2019 by gucions

Ask a Question A question

232/5000 Hello, I have a doubt the "Premium Plans" only PERSONAL BUSINESS and PRO are the only ones that I can continue to use for life without paying year after year, and how much time of use I have...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

16 September 2019

Started 16 September 2019 by alejogu.1998

Ask a Question Google Adsense

Hello, I have problems to display Google Adsense ads on our site! Instead of the pub there is a bar! What is the solution ? Thank you Jean-Jacques
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

23 September 2019

Started 20 September 2019 by sarl.pci2

Ask a Question Project download out of Joomla PlugIn

I programmed and uploaded my website with the independent program under windows. Now I made changes online in the Joomla Nicepage-Plugin. Is it also possible to download the project file from here?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 October 2019

Started 24 September 2019 by info19132

Ask a Question How about scrolling effects (like Adobe Muse allows)?

Hello team, thanks a lot for nicepage. It saves me a lot of time, with combination of CMS (Joomla) and WYSIWIG page editing. For static pages, I have used until now Adobe Muse. I like some Muse's...
7 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By michal84

30 September 2019

Started 24 September 2019 by michal84