Ask a Question All Google Fonts

Dear Olivia, we want to licence nicepage ultimate or pro. In one of your answers, we read that the version "full design customation" (see screenshot) contains all google fonts. Is the ultimate...
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Latest By Support Team

23 June 2020

Started 24 September 2019 by susanne.roppelt2

Ask a Question joomla positions

hi, I tried to export a template to a joomla template with a couple of positions. I followed the video to create positions, but it doesn't work. The positions are not available after installing the...
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Latest By Support Team

01 October 2019

Started 27 September 2019 by info159232

Report a bug Failed to include Tag Manager data

When in Site Settings -> General I include the data of the Goolge Tag Manager of GTM-K5LMCMD the behavior when opening the web is very strange. First of all, letters appear that appear very...
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Latest By Support Team

30 September 2019

Started 29 September 2019 by FMencaz

Ask a Question NicePage 1.19.2 hides elements - can't edit content

I upgraded to the latest version of NicePage (1.19.2). When I opened a test site I'm working on, I see that a number of elements are now "hidden" and can't be edited. Why is this happening and how do...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

04 October 2019

Started 02 October 2019 by imthepipe2

Ask a Question Can nicepage create an accordian?

We need an accordian list that when an item is clicked an image can be displayed. This would be a vertical menu type accordian, with each item opening a different image. Is this possible?
9 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

29 September 2020

Started 02 October 2019 by 200mph2

Ask a Question Nicepage <-> Mobirise

Hello, I'm a webdesigner in Germany and I worked within the last 3 with Mobirise, before with netobjects fusion. I have no time at the moment to read your complete documentation, so let me ask you...
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Latest By Support Team

22 March 2021

Started 03 October 2019 by stober2

Ask a Question Video doesn't start in mobile view

Hi, I am using video for background in one of my projects. Works fine except viewing the website with a mobile phone. The video doesn't ever start. I tried to upload a video to my webhosting, but it...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 November 2020

Started 05 October 2019 by charlie61

Ask a Question Program Slow Down

I have created a simple website with 7 pages. While trying to create the 8th page the program slowed way down. Is this the limit NicePage can handle? Or could the be other factors at play here. Let me...
12 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

29 December 2020

Started 08 October 2019 by SCV

Ask a Question Update

Please tell me how I can be alerted on new updates? I develop my site on localhost. Also, how do I access the new update?
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Latest By Support Team

09 October 2019

Started 08 October 2019 by bobumc4272

Report a bug Form in Firefox

In Firefox the explanation text does not appear in a form. In other browsers everything works properly. I'm using release 1.19.2.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 October 2019

Started 08 October 2019 by andrea.tessadori2

Report a bug Menu background not saving

I have latest Nicepage desktop version. I noticed that if I change background in sub menu, save it, go back to the sites, open site again it again, background is not saved. Another thing is Blog...
11 Replies
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Latest By whdmike

15 October 2019

Started 09 October 2019 by whdmike

Ask a Question How to use standard joomla contact form under nicepage template

How to use the standard joomla contact form under nicepage template because I need to use 3 additional custom fields? If there is any way to use custom fields in the nicepage form, please tell me too.
10 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 November 2019

Started 09 October 2019 by sator

Report a bug Bug after update1.20

I just updated 1.20 and the text in a joomla position does not appear anymore
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Latest By Support Team

16 October 2019

Started 14 October 2019 by claude.delesse

Report a bug Akeeba Error: Your database table name prefix contains one or more uppercase letters

I see the following error when I try to back up my nicepage site using Akeeba backup for Joomla: Akeeba Backup may not work as expected Akeeba Backup detected the following potential problems: Your...
2 Replies
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Latest By saurabhharshe1612

27 January 2022

Started 14 October 2019 by ATS

Ask a Question Using an existing site design as a template

I'd like to develop a design I've created whilst still retaining the original version. In Artisteer I could create a site design, save it twice, the second time with a different name, and work on the...
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 October 2019

Started 16 October 2019 by martin17