Ask a Question css

Hi The exported nicepage.css is HUGE. We just want to be able to create small light page elements. Like your block with 3 columns. The css should be very small for this. But, your export has 2 CSS...
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Latest By Support Team

27 November 2023

Started 05 February 2022 by james8242

Wishlist Gallery load more

Hi, when i insert a gallery in the block, is possible to use the "load more" function? If i setup gallery with 3 columns and 3 rows, when i add more then 9 images, is possbile to view there only i...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2024

Started 09 February 2022 by info5057

Ask a Question mass add pages

can u add function to mass add pages ??? u have new function + page - add category for example i add category - city , and i want to add some city to in city1, city2,city3..... city250 can u make...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

09 February 2022

Started 09 February 2022 by dok.dip2017

Ask a Question Colours bright and vibrant (RGB) in my image but when imported into 'Nicepage' become dull. Why is this?

Hi. New to Nicepage. When importing a pdf, png, jpeg image into Nice page the image goes very dull. I've tried everything. I've made the image up in Photoshop and made sure it's under 3MB. Comes in ok...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 February 2022

Started 10 February 2022 by anoriginaljones

Ask a Question Post content cannot edit!

Dear Nicepage, You have been so supportive unfortunately up to now I can not use the blog in my nice page extension. If I create a blog template and try to add a post I cannot edit the Post...
11 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 May 2024

Started 17 February 2022 by akena05

Ask a Question Wrong Link on your last Blog

Hi, If you click on on last blogpost title ( Nicepage 4.5: February 15, 2022 - Grid Columns. Online Export From Desktop Applications) you will be redirected to articles from 02 Feb 2020 ( February...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 February 2022

Started 17 February 2022 by WEB DESIGN STUDIO

Report a bug YOu have made some really bad assumptions on usage of Lists

So I have tried a feature List, 3 columns and a grid repeater, 3 columns. You make the incorrect assumption that I want the same elements in each. For example, in column 1, I want links. In Column 2...
1 Reply
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Latest By Vitaliy WD

19 February 2022

Started 19 February 2022 by balq60


Hey Nicepage Team. I would like change the size of the X (CLOSE BUTTON) size in hamburger menu with CSS or any other method. Is it possible to guide me to target the right CSS element or help find...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 February 2023

Started 22 February 2022 by axopoulosdennis

Ask a Question Change of list items

Hey, I have some Questions! As soon as I insert or change an item in a list, it changes in all columns. I have three columns and I want to insert a link into one of the columns, but as soon as i add...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 February 2023

Started 25 February 2022 by

Ask a Question Stop other admins using Nicepage on Wordpress

Hi, I run an advertising and marketing company. I'd like to use Nicepage to create landing pages on my client's WordPress websites. I generally find that when clients have access to landing pages...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 December 2022

Started 26 February 2022 by accounts82

Ask a Question Product Carousel

Hi! How to add a second row to the product carousel?
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01 March 2022

Started 28 February 2022 by Sangdorn

Ask a Question youtube video playing with no audio

Hi. i uploaded a video from you tube but the audio isn't playing. even when i preview without browser. i read all the autoplay issues but it still not playing audio...please assist.i cant seem to find...
19 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 April 2022

Started 08 March 2022 by seand84

Wishlist Parallax inside a block

Would be awesome to have a parallax effect on different elements in a block.. As of right now, it seems parallax only works on a block. This can be implemented with a delayed scroll effect on...
7 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 March 2022

Started 12 March 2022 by Light

Wishlist Alternate Column Scroll, Fixed Column, Parallax column

Kindly provide alternate column scroll alongside column scroll parallax. Also have a scroll to top and fix effect, where an element scrolls on mouse scroll but stays fix at the top until the...
2 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Light

17 March 2022

Started 12 March 2022 by Light

Ask a Question Import HTML and CSS code into nice page

Hello, Am I able to import HTML and CSS code into nice page and edit templates as a Visual Editor?
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 December 2023

Started 17 March 2022 by mphipps