Ask a Question texto en 2 columnas

hola, como puedo poner texto en 2 columnas? y puede ser rich text?
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01 July 2022

Started 01 July 2022 by marinfabrega2

Ask a Question responsive

I have a section in my columns where one side images are displayed. and on the other side a text belonging to this image ( main page third block). When opening in a webbrowser on pc or laptop...
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03 July 2022

Started 01 July 2022 by wortmann4

Ask a Question Sorry, another question about columns

Sorry, another question I want to make a fixed left column, who doesnt change, and seen on evry page, like this site: Is it possible with nicepage ? I haven't found...
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07 July 2022

Started 07 July 2022 by wagon22

Ask a Question payment

How do I add a Payment function to my website? I create Custom Orders and need a payment button on the request form.
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Latest By MerlinAZ

12 July 2022

Started 11 July 2022 by harleypynas

Ask a Question two module-positions next to each other

I would like to have two module-positions next to each other in a block. Is that possible ? Thanks, Idso.
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13 July 2022

Started 12 July 2022 by idso.brouwer

Report a bug Header Bug

Hi There The header has broken and its really annoying. Treatments Page. Header decides to not work on mobile. It gives me 2 headers on every other page. Treatments page has a broken header. Home page...
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20 July 2022

Started 20 July 2022 by jayden.harley.elworthy

Wishlist Ability to apply superscript, subscript

Hey, please add an option to apply superscript and subscript in rich text controls. At this time I'm forced to use HTML in some elements to achieve those text styles.
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Latest By PAS

20 July 2022

Started 20 July 2022 by PAS

Ask a Question add photos to gallery

Is there any way to add more photos to photo gallery? I've found a way to change images, but no idea how to add
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01 August 2022

Started 29 July 2022 by osa777

Ask a Question Grid repeater add item width

When I add a Item in a grid repeater, the new item has a different width. I have tried a lot of things but I am unable to make them all the same width. What I am doing wrong? Thanks video...
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10 August 2022

Started 09 August 2022 by Webemus

Ask a Question Drop down menu : Split sub menu item in rows

Hello, Since I have a lot of "sub items" per "item", I wish to conceal sub items in a pleasant way. Is there a possibility to split my sub menu in columns ? (see the...
2 Replies
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Latest By sami.saker

25 August 2022

Started 25 August 2022 by sami.saker

Ask a Question Megamenu : Two needed features (Icons + Empty header)

Hello, I appreciated the megamenu layout you put on nicepage. Although being not intuitive, it does the job to a certain extent yet I am struggling with two issues : Sub Items require a header...
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01 September 2022

Started 30 August 2022 by sami.saker

Ask a Question Grid repeater

What is the easiest and the more secure to edit the content of each column of a grid repeater? In your examples you have many screenshots where the elements have different contents. Like "branding"...
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07 September 2022

Started 07 September 2022 by jphg

Ask a Question Product Details, Shopping Cart and Checkout pages not working in Woocommerce.

Hello, I have a Pro version of Nicepage. I have Created and exported a new project, included product list, product details, shopping cart templates. Everything works fine until product details...
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03 October 2022

Started 25 September 2022 by m.gabrielczyk44

Ask a Question inserting my own mp4

Hi Its been a while since I used this. Can you remind me how I can upload my own mp4 clip in to a blank block? Thanks
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05 October 2022

Started 04 October 2022 by ITSM Direct Ltd

Ask a Question Publishing Website

Hi. I am currently almost finished building my website, and am planning on getting the premium plan so I can publish my site onto a custom domain. I was wondering, if I wanted to make some custom...
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11 October 2022

Started 11 October 2022 by derickchan68