mass add pages

17 Posts
dok.dip2017 posted this 09 February 2022
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can u add function to mass add pages ???
u have new function + page - add category
for example i add category - city , and i want to add some city to in
city1, city2,city3..... city250
can u make some link to mass add this - 2 columns
1st page name
2nd url name
city1 | buy-in-city1
city2 | buy-in-city2

can u add function to mass add pages ??? u have new function + page - add category for example i add category - city , and i want to add some city to in city1, city2,city3..... city250 can u make some link to mass add this - 2 columns 1st page name 2nd url name city1 | buy-in-city1 city2 | buy-in-city2 ///////
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 09 February 2022

Hi, Darya,

If you mean sorting and organizing pages, you can add Nicepage pages into page folders. Please refer to this article:
If you mean something else, please explain it to us in more detail. If possible, some examples will be very helpful.
Paul C.
Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Darya, If you mean sorting and organizing pages, you can add Nicepage pages into **page folders**. Please refer to this article: If you mean something else, please explain it to us in more detail. If possible, some examples will be very helpful. ................................................... Sincerely, Paul C. Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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