Ask a Question Problem in mobile

I have a question why is there a bounce on the mobile device on the right side?
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Latest By estefaniajs95

24 February 2021

Started 06 September 2020 by firma

Ask a Question Inquiry about multi-user service

We have been wanting to ask if the service offered by the "business subscription model" would be able to operate more than one device at the same time using the builder. Thanks in advance.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 September 2020

Started 07 September 2020 by mohadsamir

Ask a Question Ungroup separate items in a block

Hello Guys, how can I ungroup separate items in a block? For example, if I have three different columns in a service block and want to animate them differently, all three are always processed at...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 September 2020

Started 10 September 2020 by nad.matt14

Ask a Question Buttons can not reference a block on a different page

one key subject of SEO is linking from one page to another. I already know that sub menus referencing to blocks works only in one page mode, so I thought to use buttons, I ran into the same problem....
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 September 2020

Started 13 September 2020 by manager182

Ask a Question I just installed the most recent update 2.25 no text wrap for images

There is no align under fit! How do I get this feature? Thank you Bill
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Latest By bill8

13 September 2020

Started 13 September 2020 by bill8

Ask a Question Responsive layout

Hello, I tried Nicepage free version but it seems not responsive but is because is the free version?
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 September 2020

Started 15 September 2020 by gianfranco.pasetto

Ask a Question Collaborative working on a website

Is it possible to work collaboratively with others on a website?
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Latest By Support Team

30 November 2023

Started 18 September 2020 by luisa.froehlich

Wishlist Nicepage 2.26: September 23, 2020 - New Modal Popup and Product Details

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are glad to present to you the new update of Nicepage 2.26. What's New In This Update? New Modal Popup Element New Product Details Element for WooCommerce and...
8 Replies
8 Votes

Latest By gmeo4000655

29 September 2020

Started 23 September 2020 by Support Team

Ask a Question cards that are synched

See this page: When I change a logo size in these cards all the logos change how do I stop that so I can make logos smaller or larger without affecting the...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 September 2020

Started 26 September 2020 by christa112

Ask a Question What is the difference between Modal Pop-Up and scrolling to Block with anchor?

Hello Nicepage support, I would like to ask, what is the difference between the Modal Pop-Up and scrolling to the Block with some given anchor? I do not see anything else, that when I assign some...
5 Replies
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Latest By michal84

28 September 2020

Started 26 September 2020 by michal84

Wishlist Block for Sticky Header

It would be great to be able to edit the header when in sticky mode. This would allow things like changing the logo - shrink menus etc... when moved to sticky.
7 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

28 September 2020

Started 26 September 2020 by webxsite

Ask a Question Vertical text

How can i make vertical text or rotate image(text) ? Как сделать вертикальный текст ?
2 Replies
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Latest By milan.kosir

27 July 2022

Started 28 September 2020 by marchenkoartem2

Ask a Question vertical menu

how to create a vertical or side menu
7 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By gt_67

01 February 2021

Started 29 September 2020 by Estudio3F

Ask a Question menu showing vertical instead of horizontal in wordpress

i have a header section with 2 different menus on the left and right side of the logo, left location is primary navigation and right location is primary navigation 2, on the desktop version they both...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 October 2020

Started 01 October 2020 by donny

Report a bug Blank page in editor when i select page in menu drop

hi when i try to click on logo to go on main page, in preview mode, it jumps to a blank page. why is this happening?
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Latest By Support Team

05 October 2020

Started 02 October 2020 by vlxdmxne