Ask a Question problem of responsive

i have this problem in my website that i build with Nicepage
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2020

Started 06 November 2020 by ndam_daniel

Ask a Question Template visione box

Buongiorno,volevo chiedere se c'è la possibilità di creare un template e visualizarlo sia in versione ampia oppure in visione box. grazie!
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Latest By Support Team

09 November 2020

Started 07 November 2020 by idiemmeintour

Report a bug Back to Top icon missing, Tangerine fonts still fail to work when online,

Some of these issues were reported over 3 revisions ago, The only item fixed is the program shows the Tangerine fonts as a choice again. But the font's still error out as previously reported 2 or 3...
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Latest By Doug G.

11 November 2020

Started 10 November 2020 by Doug G.

Ask a Question nicepage responsiveness

ok, I am close to pulling my hair. I have designed one page more than 4 times in the last 24hrs each time giving it about 2hrs of my time. why does each page size fight itself? If I make edits on the...
9 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 December 2020

Started 10 November 2020 by paris

Ask a Question Nightmare across browsers and mobile

Okay, I'm extremely frustrated with this program. I have a simple 3 page site based on one of the templates I'm using win 10 and NP v2.29.5 version. The site looks fine in all of the desktop...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

13 November 2020

Started 10 November 2020 by blairpom

Wishlist Nicepage 2.30: November 11, 2020 - Edit Content CMS Role. Rich Text/Article Element

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are delighted to release the new update of Nicepage 2.30. What's New in This Update? New Edit Content Role for WordPress and Joomla New Rich Text/Article...
6 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Giumarr

12 November 2020

Started 11 November 2020 by Support Team

Ask a Question Nicepage. Please remove the extra work.

Hi Nicepage, I just need a simpler and quicker way to design websites. I am a web designer and build websites for many clients but your program takes me longer than other programs. I do not want to...
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Latest By Support Team

13 November 2020

Started 13 November 2020 by MrBuilder

Ask a Question How customize a multiple blog post by categorie in one block

Hello, I would like to create in a block, a view of the last articles of 3 different categories. ex : [] block When I take all-made models and set out to modify them, Nicepage always ends up...
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Latest By Support Team

16 November 2020

Started 14 November 2020 by lilian.debaque

Ask a Question Logo position and size

Good day. I'd appreciate your help regarding my logo position and size so that is centered and appears correctly in all views (desktops, laptops, tablets and both phone views. I do the...
2 Replies
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Latest By esr2016

16 November 2020

Started 14 November 2020 by esr2016

Ask a Question hidding NPage options

hi! I done my first WP template and I can tell you, Nicepage is great! It is site for my custommer. Can I somehow hide or remove the option "edit with Nicepage" and Nicepage button from the menu, so...
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Latest By Support Team

16 November 2020

Started 14 November 2020 by jasburek

Wishlist Post local fonction

Bonjour,serait il possible de fair un un fonction pour poster en mode local la page web sans utiliser un serveur ftp. Je voudrais que la page web soit visible que par les appareille sur le routeur en...
0 Replies
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Latest By ludovickpoliquin

16 November 2020

Started 16 November 2020 by ludovickpoliquin

Wishlist Post local fonction

Bonjour,serait il possible de fair un un fonction pour poster en mode local la page web sans utiliser un serveur ftp. Je voudrais que la page web soit visible que par les appareille sur le routeur en...
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Latest By Support Team

16 November 2020

Started 16 November 2020 by ludovickpoliquin

Ask a Question Swapping elements in resposnsive previews

Hi there, Is there a way to swap elements in responsive modes. For example.. 1) Use an image with portrait dimensions (mobile) instead of an image with landscape dimensions (desktop)? 2) Turn a 3...
13 Replies
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23 November 2020

Started 17 November 2020 by oli261

Ask a Question A particular grid

Hello, I should reproduce exactly a section equal to the attached image but I am going crazy trying. Could you give me some indication or help
7 Replies
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20 November 2020

Started 18 November 2020 by aleph

Ask a Question Problems of moving between menus according to target.

hi, The header's menu is in submenu configuration. It's easy to move between menus on the PC, but on the phone, it only moves to the submenu and doesn't move to the main. Which part should I look at?
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19 November 2020

Started 19 November 2020 by kwssecm