Ask a Question password field for forms

Good Day. Please add a password field to forms in one of your next updates. Thank you.
11 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By Jet de Jager

18 April 2023

Started 17 June 2020 by rolf.a.moser2

Ask a Question Galleeries lost Pictures

From 24 galleries on a total of 4 pages, 22 galleries are now without pictures (all assignments are interrupted). Since these gallery pictures in nicepage are all stored in one file, it is like a sack...
2 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By reneweber2

19 June 2020

Started 18 June 2020 by reneweber2

Ask a Question contact form

I am stuck with this. I am creating an html site, testing right now but can't get the contact block to work. I have used one of the templates, but what action to create on 'submit' and how to create...
12 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

03 September 2021

Started 22 June 2020 by info26622

Ask a Question Keeps asking for premium license

Good morning Nice Page. I am extremely stressed with this problem, because I need to modify something on my website and I am not getting it due to this problem that I have been trying to solve with...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

23 June 2020

Started 23 June 2020 by adrianaoliveira334

Ask a Question Joomla or Wordpress - Joomla 4?

1, I'm thinking about whether to start making a website in Joomla or Wordpress. What is your opinion? 2, Is Nice Page ready for Joomla 4 now? Thank you. Robert
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

24 June 2020

Started 23 June 2020 by robog5

Ask a Question Lifetime license expired?

Hi a little more than a year ago I bought a personal lifetime license.. now it showns I have the license but all I can use is a Starter plan. Please don't answer I can use but I can't receive updates...
49 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By jack.from.canada

30 January 2024

Started 23 June 2020 by GOe

Ask a Question Plugin translate

Hi, I saw you supporting translating theme and plugin in the latest update. Is it possible to translate inside the plugin? Or is it just plugin texts in Wordpress? Will I be able to translate the...
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

30 June 2020

Started 26 June 2020 by charlie61

Report a bug Joomla User Profile looks strange in Nicepage template

Nicepage has been working well for me. I've converted about a dozen sites over the last 6 months from Artisteer. When I can't resolve problems, I experiment, read the forums, and watch the tutorials...
3 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

08 February 2022

Started 30 June 2020 by john.giannangeli

Ask a Question The Subscription Model is Confusing

I've tried asking this question before but didn't get a good answer. What happens when your subscription runs out? I'm assuming you can still use the software on your computer, but what about sites...
3 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

03 July 2020

Started 01 July 2020 by shane53

Ask a Question How well optimised is Nicepage for mobiles

We are Themler users and have been for a long time. We've been seeing very poor performance scores for Themler built sites on Google Page Insight scores and after questioning how we can fix this in...
3 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Wartburg-Entertainment

02 July 2020

Started 01 July 2020 by leora

Ask a Question SEO and HTML meta tag question.

Could you please add a video or info about SEO and HTML, explain what the difference is and how to add the keywords in SEO so that they appear in the proper place in the code.
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 July 2020

Started 05 July 2020 by morcol12

Ask a Question Created a page with iframe. When I open the nicepage project, the iframe is activated and I cannot return to Nicepage

I created a simple blank project with a text frame and html element (which contains an iframe). The project was saved. When I reopen the project and click on the project thumbnail, the iframe is...
5 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

13 July 2020

Started 07 July 2020 by justanotherprogrammer

Ask a Question Joomla 4

With Joomla 3.10 being the last in line for the 3.x version, where do you stand on being prepared for the 4.x release this year? Curious about this.
2 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Doug G.

09 July 2020

Started 08 July 2020 by Doug G.

Ask a Question Change text checkbox

Hello, we would like to change the text on the text flag. Unfortunately I can't find any information where to do that. The translation is not nice. Unfortunately the link in the text next to the...
2 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By ralf.roppelt

13 July 2020

Started 11 July 2020 by ralf.roppelt

Ask a Question Google fonts and local characters on android Edge

Dears, I am using google fonts for web pages in Joomla. All browser correctly display Czech special characters, except MS Edge on Android phone. Do you have any advice for this issue? Thank...
3 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

28 July 2020

Started 13 July 2020 by martin.heindl2