Ask a Question where does nicepage store my site info

new computer took ages to get Nicepage again. multiple login issues finally get it working but my site is not there so I need to transfer the data from one computer to the new one. and is it possible...
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Latest By Support Team

14 December 2020

Started 08 August 2020 by limolb4269

Ask a Question Nice page contact form

Can any one help me with nice page contact form for my website I am trying to build a contact form for my website But finding it difficult to setup my submit button to send booking information to my...
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Latest By Support Team

13 August 2020

Started 12 August 2020 by Imperial Hotel Management Training Institute

Ask a Question What Can I do with the contact form..

Hi there, I just wondred if there is a simple way to create an auto-responder for anyone who fills out a "contact form" on my nicepage wordpress website? Also I was just wondering how I can store the...
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Latest By Support Team

22 January 2021

Started 13 August 2020 by oli261

Ask a Question What are you using as an audio/ mp3 work around?

Hello community. So I started developing a couple pages for clients after choosing Nicepage over DIVI (I have both). Surprisingly there is no audio element included in Nicepage. Many of my clients...
12 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

15 November 2023

Started 13 August 2020 by shane53

Ask a Question Not publishing correctly

How do we get the site to publish to a domain that we have.
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Latest By shane53

22 August 2020

Started 16 August 2020 by MyNotes4u.01

Wishlist Please we want to include the important plugins

Hello everyone, congratulations that you are going to improve every day but I hope to improve even more the accordeon is missing for you to take into account. Well we want to include the plugins for...
15 Replies
7 Votes

Latest By trockliff

24 September 2022

Started 19 August 2020 by GraphicDesignerJF

Ask a Question CookieHint and Consent don't work

I updated NICEPAGE Joomla plugin 2.23 from 2.22 and CookieHint and Consent plugin doesn't work as before. Could you fix the bug in the next updated?
12 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 April 2021

Started 20 August 2020 by rosario.giammusso

Ask a Question breadcrumb in a line

Hello Nicepage team, Please see the attached file first. How can I get the content from the red circle = breadcrumbs added over the nicepage position of the site = in a line? Now it is shown in a...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 August 2020

Started 20 August 2020 by tst2

Report a bug Changing Tabs - Page Move

How do you stop the page from moving when you click to change tabs? It moves... too high up... and covers the tabs... so you cant see the next one - this doesn't make any sense, I've never seen any...
7 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By liannedelange7

08 March 2024

Started 21 August 2020 by webxsite

Ask a Question Copyright and royalty of template images

Dear Support, Just a quick question on copyright and royalty of template images. I am currently using the "Stay-At-Home" template for a web design and need to know if I can re-use the included...
3 Replies
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Latest By branoli

24 August 2020

Started 21 August 2020 by branoli

Ask a Question i need upload a 24mb file for a PDF page but i can't

Hi, I need upload a 24mb file for a PDF page but i can't how can i do this? Thank you for any information regards Kadda
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24 August 2020

Started 21 August 2020 by kadda25

Ask a Question SEO And Meta Data

I Build A Website I Was Wondering If there is any video tutorial about SEO And Meta Data With Nice Page I Am Trying To Sort IT Out But Not Working At All
8 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

15 March 2022

Started 24 August 2020 by Imperial Hotel Management Training Institute

Ask a Question Is it possible to make just a custom joomla module or load a nicepage block into the template?

I don't understand something with how it works, If I create a page and then create a template to look like the page, same header & footer of course, and lets say a block with a 2 panel grid with...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 August 2020

Started 24 August 2020 by fred_wehnert2

Ask a Question Joomla

Hi, I am looking at the personal version but I see that Joomla support is not ticked only wordpress, is this a fact?
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

27 August 2020

Started 25 August 2020 by bob.inglis.brass

Ask a Question Last Update 2.23 with so many BUGs// Lightbox//Gallery and many more...

Before 2.23 everything works fine with the lightbox and gallery and many other things. Since the Update more and more BUGs coming up and we have NO TIME to look for a workaround cause we are in...
4 Replies
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Latest By onlinebuddy

26 August 2020

Started 25 August 2020 by onlinebuddy