Ask a Question How to add you own video

How to add your own video not the default video to a page or grid
15 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

23 July 2021

Started 10 October 2018 by speeddesigner

Ask a Question Remove WordPress Theme created with Nicepage.

How can I remove the WordPress Theme created with Nicepage on the page footer?
8 Replies
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Latest By ApkJoyNag

22 November 2021

Started 10 October 2018 by Christie G

Ask a Question nicepage

mobile menu proplem???
19 Replies
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26 October 2018

Started 12 October 2018 by kontakt

Ask a Question Billion Photos

I believe I should have access t Billion Photos, but cannot download anything. Can you confirm this and advise on my access? Thank you.
15 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

30 March 2019

Started 12 October 2018 by JillChristopher

Ask a Question Social Icons Problems Linkedin

Problems with linkedin when I copy and paste the url address and leave the field automatically change everything I copied. Example: Im copy this Link: When I...
12 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

19 February 2019

Started 13 October 2018 by COMPU-PAGE

Ask a Question Export As Wordpress Theme

Can Nicepage save and export as a Wordpress theme just like Artisteer?
6 Replies
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Latest By voodoo

19 February 2022

Started 14 October 2018 by stv777

Ask a Question Section border, background repeat, menu customisation...

Hi, Nicepage is certainly lighter and faster than Themler, but so far in customization, i feel disappointed. - Is it not possible to customize border of sections ? I'd like to add bottom border to the...
2 Replies
5 Votes

Latest By Support Team

09 November 2018

Started 14 October 2018 by m.calay

Ask a Question Tablet portrait view with 3 columns looks unbalanced IMO

As you can see from the screenshot when you have a section with 3 (columns) in Tablet portrait mode it displays 2 columns with the third column underneath to the left leaving a blank space to the...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

18 December 2019

Started 14 October 2018 by dgmsteel

Report a bug "This page created with Nicepage." has come back even though I'm logged into Nicepage and paid membership.

For some reason this morning I cannot get the footer message "This page created with Nicepage." removed from my Joomla home page. I've made sure I'm logged in on my desktop version when I saved and...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

17 October 2018

Started 16 October 2018 by johnny.fowler2

Ask a Question When I import the content into joomla, the footer links are not imported

When ever I import the theme and content into joomla, the footer links are not imported? Am I missing something>
25 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

05 November 2019

Started 16 October 2018 by shafiq_amlani

Ask a Question ' in the header text

If you put a ' in the header text you get: 0 - syntax error, unexpected 's' (T_STRING), expecting ',' or ';' Please fix. In Joomla. Thanks.
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

22 October 2018

Started 19 October 2018 by ifawcett

Wishlist Please add some different bullet styles

Hello Oleg and Nicepage team. It would be great if we could choose from a different type of images and styles to the bullet ellement... something like in themeler, it is very handy and really helps...
2 Replies
7 Votes

Latest By Support Team

31 July 2020

Started 20 October 2018 by shaulhadar

Ask a Question How to center content or make fixed-with sheet

I apologize, from what I can tell I posted the other question private. So please ignore the duplicate post if I am wrong. I am trying to recreate the joomla design I originally made years ago in...
3 Replies
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24 October 2018

Started 22 October 2018 by jlruby

Ask a Question old Artisteer Templates compatible with php 7.2

I have "old" Templates made with Artisteer Are they compatible with php Version 7.2 ? Thanks and regards Hedi
1 Reply
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Latest By Support Team

23 October 2018

Started 22 October 2018 by hedi.inauen

Ask a Question EMail Contact Form

I have a question regarding the EMail Contact Form: Witch settings must I use when I insert my own E-Mail Adress?? The Contct form dont work! Thanks for help Harald
3 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

11 November 2021

Started 22 October 2018 by mail5