Ask a Question I need my Vimeo videos to play on my website

I am an actor, as well as a website developer, and need my (Paid for version) Vimeo with my show reels to play on my website. I don't use YouTube. Regards, David-Graham...
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Latest By Support Team

11 March 2019

Started 17 November 2018 by davidgrahamparker

Ask a Question Updating a Live Site from the nicepage App

Hello again. I'm working on my first nicepage site and I have to say I'm really happy with how it works and how my site looks. You all have done a great job creating nicepage in my opinion, and I hope...
7 Replies
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Latest By design104

24 September 2020

Started 17 November 2018 by ATS

Report a bug Bugs in Windows App

Many times the buttons on the windows desktop app become unresponsive. For example the save button many times does nothing, the fill option for an active section or cell gives no updated information,...
6 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By Support Team

28 January 2019

Started 18 November 2018 by Oamath

Ask a Question Header problem

In the desktop version of the website I have turned off the header - It doesn't show up while I'm in the desktop version - It doesn't show up on the...
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Latest By Support Team

14 July 2022

Started 18 November 2018 by Central Tech

Ask a Question Menu Mobile

The sandwich menu does not appear in Android Chrome. In the Samsung browser yes, but the submenu items do not appear, as attachments. What is wrong?
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 November 2018

Started 19 November 2018 by Anderson Höfelmann

Ask a Question Created by Nicepage appears in footer

Hello, some pages in joomla still have the "Created by Nicepage" link while i switched it off in nicepage desktop.
7 Replies
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Latest By Steffen

23 November 2018

Started 19 November 2018 by Steffen

Ask a Question Responsive design is not fully responsive

After a few days watching the videos I started with my first real design. You can see it here: It is nowhere near finished, of course. Note that when you reduce...
4 Replies
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Latest By Jacob Rees-Mogg

27 November 2018

Started 20 November 2018 by Jacob Rees-Mogg

Ask a Question sharing to Facebook

Hi, I have a customer who is complaining that when she adds a post to Facebook a set of code shows up on her phone where before I switched over showed an icon of the page. I have attached an image to...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

27 November 2018

Started 21 November 2018 by john13

Ask a Question i want to submit my theme on theme forest

i want to submit my theme on theme forest. they will accept your coding?
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Latest By Support Team

27 November 2018

Started 23 November 2018 by udacityahshan2

Ask a Question Slider Question

How do you, or is it possible to set the slider to play continuously? I have looked around, but could not find a setting to do this. If it cannot be set to play continuously I would like to add this...
9 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By meid29818

30 September 2021

Started 23 November 2018 by ljordan2

Ask a Question Link popup dosent work

Hello, i have a problem on a site, when try to add a link to a button or text, the modal popup dosent appear, so i cant put link. An idea ? Regards
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

25 August 2022

Started 24 November 2018 by frederic

Ask a Question How to use client license

Hello I don't understand how client licenses work. I added a license to test, on one of my email addresses. I didn't receive an email and I don't know how to do it, since I was able to add an email...
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 September 2023

Started 24 November 2018 by frederic

Wishlist Page duplication in Joomla

Hello, it would be very helpful if we can just make page duplication in Joomla. Like save as copy, or with exporting and importing option for data of page. Rgeards
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

28 November 2018

Started 24 November 2018 by frederic

Wishlist Google Maps

Hi, It would be great to be able to add multiple locations to a Map. e.g. Multiple stores of the same brand
3 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

10 June 2019

Started 26 November 2018 by Digiconcept

Ask a Question How to download a created theme

I created a theme in the online editor. How can I download a zip file, so I can upload it in a Wordpress environment? Thanks in advance! Bob.
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

27 November 2018

Started 27 November 2018 by bob222