Ask a Question site synchronization

I have set up a site in my nicepage windows and another in my nicepage web area, can you synchronize the two work areas? Thank you
5 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By MerlinAZ

11 June 2021

Started 24 September 2018 by claudio3

Ask a Question Why are all my images renamed to random number string

Is NicePage going to be the same dragon as Themler? Why oh why does it rename images to use a random number string? Why not leave images named the way they are? This makes it a complete nightmare...
16 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

20 October 2020

Started 25 September 2018 by Chae

Ask a Question how to publish to the internet

how to publish to the internet
14 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By shylodaria21

16 July 2022

Started 30 September 2018 by Coupoes

Ask a Question Does nicepage replaces the themler ?

Hello, Is this software going to replace the Themler ? My subscription to billion themes is ending soon. If I renew the billion themes subscription, for how long would you provide support for themler...
9 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By daveozric

08 October 2020

Started 30 September 2018 by ellashapp2

Report a bug When starting, NicePage looks like started but no program windows on desktop

Hi, Working on Mac OS 10.13.6 with NicePage version 1.0.94, also with with the previous version. NicePage does not show it's program window after starting the application. It shows it's menu on the...
2 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

02 October 2018

Started 02 October 2018 by Paulus

Wishlist Nicepage Update: Sep-Oct 2018

In this Update Client Licenses Voting Results New Demo Videos: How to use Joomla Positions and WordPress Sidebars Bug Fixing and New Features New Designs Upcoming Features Content Editing Client...
7 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By cdagost12

18 June 2019

Started 03 October 2018 by Support Team

Ask a Question Popup Model

I want to have a Model that pops up over my page when I click on a button. The contents of the model will be an iframe. What is the best way to do this?
26 Replies
8 Votes

Latest By Support Team

10 April 2020

Started 04 October 2018 by clickcomp

Ask a Question Rollover images

is it possible to create a rollover image in the current version
5 Replies
9 Votes

Latest By Support Team

23 August 2022

Started 05 October 2018 by WEB ARTIST

Ask a Question wp theme hide or show title and/or date of a page

It is possible to hide or show the title and/or the date of a page as an option in the admin area?
4 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By voodoo

06 April 2021

Started 05 October 2018 by agn

Ask a Question Menu is not working in preview mode

Hello, I use Nicepage in trial mode on my iMac. But when I try the preview in Firefox, Chrome the menu is not working. I edited the menu items co connect them to the pages. Has someone an idea...
3 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

20 November 2018

Started 06 October 2018 by Tjaard Heikens

Ask a Question Online Website builder has no "Export" feature?

According to docs, only desktop (Window/Mac) versions have "Export" feature. Online editor is, from that respect, pretty useless for me. I am primarily a Linux user, and switching to Windows...
15 Replies
4 Votes

Latest By Support Team

11 March 2021

Started 06 October 2018 by konstantin2

Ask a Question CodeCharge Studio

Hi all, I'm a CodeCharge Studio user. In previous Artisteer version I was able to export design to use with CodeCharge, is this feature still present? Thank you Paolo
1 Reply
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

08 October 2018

Started 06 October 2018 by amministrazione

Wishlist Menu Styles

Is there a way to change the "style" of a header menu. I'm unable to see options for the design of the menu like Artisteer. I'm only seeing square or rounded square. Is that all is available in the...
40 Replies
18 Votes

Latest By BrianVon

02 August 2024

Started 08 October 2018 by kismj

Ask a Question Set the background

Hi, How do I set the backgroud of my page?
14 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

27 November 2018

Started 08 October 2018 by iop_home

Ask a Question Some features and future of Nicepage

Hello. Many suggestions from Themler forum not realized after 3+ year (some topics with many votes since 2015). The question is: Is there any reason to suggest some features here for Nicepage or this...
3 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

10 October 2018

Started 09 October 2018 by Vitaliy WD