Ask a Question Question my code

Hallo, I'm glad I'm using your platform to create my site. My question is this: How can I add links to my main menus in my own code? I have written code for the hambureger menu but I want to link...
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Latest By Support Team

08 June 2022

Started 07 June 2022 by momchil.palazov

Ask a Question Problem adding a link to header logo (Just want to go to home page when clicked)

When I try to add the link in Nicepage Wordpress, the system won't let me enter it at all. When I enter the link on the desktop, it saves the file but still only adds "#" when you click on...
4 Replies
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Latest By pablotempe

10 June 2022

Started 10 June 2022 by pablotempe

Ask a Question How Do You Add A Payment Link?

Hi, how do you add a payment link to your website please? Many thanks Ged
4 Replies
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Latest By ged_59

20 June 2022

Started 19 June 2022 by ged_59

Ask a Question Need help with godaddy

I’m trying to link the A domain to my nice page site, I need help. Trying all sorts of online how to but with no luck.
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 June 2022

Started 30 June 2022 by Kool Designs, LLC.

Report a bug Links to Multilanguage footer always points to English pages

I am using the latest 4.13 version with two languages. The links in menu are okay, but it seems a link inside the Multilanguage footer always points to English pages. It is not possible to set the...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 July 2022

Started 30 June 2022 by Vladimir Velchev

Wishlist Link URL on hover?

A small feature request: Could we get a tooltip style hover on links that display the URL being linked to? It would save several clicks to verify correct URLs.
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Latest By Support Team

08 July 2022

Started 07 July 2022 by lofrequency+nicepage

Ask a Question external links in html when published includes the original address in link and creates a 404

Every-time I create an external link on a the time its published it includes the original website and the one you pointing at this creates a 404 error
6 Replies
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Latest By gertnell16

31 July 2022

Started 30 July 2022 by gertnell16

Ask a Question bluehost domaine name linking

kindly may i have a tutorial about how to link a domain name from bluehost to nice page
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Latest By MerlinAZ

23 August 2022

Started 23 August 2022 by bouayadaminework


Kind regards, Unfortunately, the Nicepage developers team have not been able to overcome with the bugs they bring with Nicepage updates, these updates stop working several elements, after they were...
13 Replies
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Latest By etorres

25 August 2022

Started 24 August 2022 by etorres

Ask a Question Question about creating a one-sheet that I can email with clickable links

Hi, I would like to email a one-sheet to people that has clickable links on it. Does Nicepage provide any way to do this? Many thanks, Elizabeth
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Latest By Support Team

30 August 2022

Started 29 August 2022 by elizabethtryon

Ask a Question Hyperlinks in Grid are not Working anymore.

Hi, since today there is no more working Hyperlink in Grid´s. Is there any issue to solve intern? Greetings from Germany
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Latest By Support Team

01 September 2022

Started 01 September 2022 by FFW Röthenbach

Ask a Question link files larger than 10 Mb

I am designing a web site with Desktop version. It doesn't allow to link files bigger than 10 MB. How can I overcome this limitation? Thank you.
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

14 September 2022

Started 13 September 2022 by sergigamizribelles

Wishlist Make the "alt" and "title" tags available for all images and links.

This is a wish for the next update. Please make the "alt" and "title" tags available for all images and links. They are accessible under the name "SEO" for some images, but not for all. These tags...
11 Replies
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Latest By tech228

25 January 2024

Started 17 September 2022 by v.piasta

Ask a Question Please help to set my WhatsApp link

Hi. Could you please help to write the correct address for the WhatsApp Link, my website is, and the icon is at the right bottom corner of each page. I have tried to phrase it in...
2 Replies
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Latest By Alex Zhu

17 September 2022

Started 17 September 2022 by Alex Zhu

Ask a Question Menu link to does not work

Hi, how can I use the link in the menu? It does not show all pages created.
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Latest By Support Team

23 September 2022

Started 23 September 2022 by k.miklovicova22