Fixieren eines Linkes auf dem Grundbild

1 Posts
silvioschmid posted this 13 November 2021
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Ich möchte gerne einen Link in das "Grundbild der Homepage" einbinden und diesen da fixieren, so das dieser, egal auf welchem Gerätetyp ich die Homepage anschauen, immer an der selben stelle bleibt, Geht das?

Danke für Ihre Hilfe.

Gruss Silvio Schmid

Hallo Ich möchte gerne einen Link in das "Grundbild der Homepage" einbinden und diesen da fixieren, so das dieser, egal auf welchem Gerätetyp ich die Homepage anschauen, immer an der selben stelle bleibt, Geht das? Danke für Ihre Hilfe. Gruss Silvio Schmid
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Support Team
Support Team posted this 15 November 2021

Hello Silvio,

Please specify - do you need these links to be placed exactly in those points in relation to the background image?
The point is the elements would be placed in the content area of the page accordingly to each screen size for each device unless you attached them to some other element (group as an example).
We would need to check your whole page first, please send here the project file with this exact page.

Anna T
Nicepage Support Team

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Hello Silvio, Please specify - do you need these links to be placed exactly in those points in relation to the background image? The point is the elements would be placed in the content area of the page accordingly to each screen size for each device unless you attached them to some other element (group as an example). We would need to check your whole page first, please send here the project file with this exact page. Thanks. ................................................... Sincerely, Anna T Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: Follow us on Facebook:
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