Ask a Question 2 language

Hi Guys we need to put in the site second language pls help. BR
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12 May 2021

Started 03 May 2021 by

Ask a Question Two Languages

Hi, I want the Website to be in two languages, is that possible? Basically if I duplicate the Home Site and change everything from German to English, would be theoritically possible?
12 Replies
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13 May 2021

Started 03 May 2021 by anton.sajin2

Ask a Question Few Ask

Hello, i can sale by WordPress ?
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12 May 2021

Started 06 May 2021 by Marcin Lech

Ask a Question I am new, I have few questions

After one year of support, the websites created and exported to WordPress would stop all nicepage theme updates? would it compromise the functionality of the website? In other words, do I need to keep...
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28 June 2021

Started 07 May 2021 by Luis G

Ask a Question Different background image for home page

Is it possible to set a background image for the home page and then a different background image for the other pages. I only see the option for background for all pages. Many thanks in advance
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14 June 2021

Started 10 May 2021 by jes777

Ask a Question website designer

neceisto saber si ustedes hacen los website
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12 May 2021

Started 12 May 2021 by moreforless992

Ask a Question Woo Commerce and Nicepage

Hello, I have created a theme with a product list template for my store. The only problem, once the theme is installed, I don't know how to synchronize my Woo Commerce with this page (is it really a...
5 Replies
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01 June 2021

Started 13 May 2021 by ggaye.journaliste

Ask a Question Login and Registration

Hey How Can I make a working Login and Registration system? I created the website but now I'm stuck with myadmin, mysql etc... Is there an option in the app that allows me to create a system on my pc?
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01 April 2022

Started 13 May 2021 by Marci1015

Ask a Question if working with StartHost Hosting ?

i want to know if i have StartHost Hosting works with this application. ? SthartHosting have wordpress and if the answer is yes .. how can i do that and if works with the free version? thanks
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14 May 2021

Started 13 May 2021 by echaar

Ask a Question Artisteer user moving to Nicepage?

I currently use Artisteer templates for our Clubs website and obviously create a template and then upload that into Joomla 3.5 and get the look that I am after. I create and mange the pages in Joomla....
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17 May 2021

Started 17 May 2021 by walkerjr55

Ask a Question Blogpost wordpress

Good afternoon, I am working on a test of your program for Wordpress Themes. Now I have been using this theme for 2 weeks. After it seems to me to be shown very strange on the BLOGPOSTs. A very large...
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17 May 2021

Started 17 May 2021 by jaap20

Ask a Question Creating themes from images

How can I make the page I create into a complete blog? Nothing is linked after I generate the design.
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24 May 2021

Started 23 May 2021 by momtraders

Ask a Question super help!!!!!!!

please, anyone: are all the templates totally static? what if i need some effects, some movement on pages? i understand that i have to install everything on my computer in order to edit, right? so, i...
9 Replies
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01 June 2021

Started 28 May 2021 by thepublicgeek

Wishlist Shopify support

Uploading websites to shopify to use as themes
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31 May 2021

Started 28 May 2021 by marlonarmah

Ask a Question Change footer text from theme

Hi there. Should be simple but I can't figure it out: I want to modify the footer and move/change text and link " WordPress Theme created with WordPress Website Builder . " According to Wordpress...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 June 2021

Started 02 June 2021 by n.reinhard