Ask a Question Does NP Builder or WP plugin need to setup/create a child theme?

Hi, NP Team! Wish a good day and all be good for all of you. I´m rebuilding a website and I´m going to use NP WP plugin, but creating the whole website into NP Desktop Builder... and suddenly the...
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Latest By Support Team

18 August 2021

Started 18 August 2021 by LGALLP

Ask a Question i created a wordpress template but the footer shows on non nicepage pages.

i created a wordpress template but the footer shows on non nicepage pages. how can i make this transparent I removed some code but then my woocomerce product images stopped showing current code...
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25 August 2021

Started 23 August 2021 by reyerschouten2

Ask a Question Wordpress

Hi, I'm new here and I didn't master all the options of the builder. Is it possible to upload a WordPress template to Nicepage? If it's possible please refer me to the forum page or Yt video. Thank...
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25 August 2021

Started 25 August 2021 by neonloveburns

Ask a Question templates

Hi! Can I create with a NICEPAGE full Joomla templates (as I create it in Themler?) Have you option for RTL sites? Its a very important for me, all my sites have a RTL version. Thank you.
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25 August 2021

Started 25 August 2021 by

Ask a Question Update theme??

Hey I have an issue nicpage plugin in wp asks to update theme but I have changed computer and dont have desktop file anymor only have the theme that is in wordpress Why do I need to upload theme...
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27 August 2021

Started 26 August 2021 by dacch.992

Ask a Question Usage of stock photos for customers

Hi nicepage team, i know that there are allready some answers to this topic but since they're a bit inconsistent I need to have a clear answer on this. What i already learned from other questions...
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07 September 2021

Started 06 September 2021 by ti.hoffmann2

Ask a Question nicepage and wordpress additional functionality with wordpress aditional plugins

if somebody knows something regarding using wordpress themes created with nicepage and used with wordpress so i will be able to understand how to use plugins of wordpress together with nicepage...
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10 September 2021

Started 08 September 2021 by nsarantopoulos68

Wishlist Is it profitable to purchase Nicepage?

If you create HTML websites, the answer is yes. However, if you want to use Software for a CMS website, the answer is one big NO. The idea of the creator is excellent, but the basic problem is in bad...
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13 September 2021

Started 13 September 2021 by slavenlulic1

Ask a Question Query about removing Wordpress themes created with Wordpress Website Builder

I've used Nicepage Builder Desktop application and really enjoyed creating with it. After I imported the theme on my wordpress website I added more pages and content to it. So my question is, will I...
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13 September 2021

Started 13 September 2021 by shreyashade

Ask a Question Does it really work? PRESALE QUESTION

I have asked a question by email a few days ago NO REPLY. i have been playing with the software on my pc and on a couple of my Joomla websites.. had to uninstall - caused soooooooo many issues. No...
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16 September 2021

Started 14 September 2021 by heatherbaggaley

Ask a Question the licenses on exported joomla and wordpres themes

if i will prepare a theme for some customer and i export it the zip file that is for joomla and wordpress will be with my license or will not have my license i want to know that to see if it safe to...
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14 September 2021

Started 14 September 2021 by nsarantopoulos68

Ask a Question joomla 4 themes

i had installed the joomla theme 4 but i cannot understand how to activate the plugin and how to import the content in joomla 4
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14 September 2021

Started 14 September 2021 by nsarantopoulos68


Continua con el problema de la columna del espacio en blanco al lado derecho, en vista phones. Notas: Desactive el módulo de "Breadcumbs" y los "Botones" para descartar si era el problema, aún...
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15 September 2021

Started 14 September 2021 by etorres

Ask a Question Version of Joomla and WordPress Supported

What versions of Joomla and WordPress do you support? If not the latest versions, do you have plans to do so (looks like you don't work with Joomla 4.x) and when?
3 Replies
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20 September 2021

Started 16 September 2021 by FedSLED

Report a bug Nicepage Joomla extension install error

Hi, I've been trying without success to install the NicePage Joomla extension 3.25. My site is running Joomla 4.03. After tracing the exception, I get this Error: Class...
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17 September 2021

Started 17 September 2021 by jim5862