Ask a Question Form Borders stays black and doted on hover

I have added a form and changed the colors of the borders, but when i upload it, only the textarea gets setted in right color. I have added as attachment the nicepage project. Here a...
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Latest By Support Team

19 April 2021

Started 14 April 2021 by kkip3

Ask a Question Video on page

Hallo NP I am trying to add a video to my page. I want it to start muted and then people can unmute like it is common on many pages these days. How do I do this? I have set it to auto-play and...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

19 April 2021

Started 15 April 2021 by EZZENZ

Ask a Question How use modular grid of responsive web design

Hello, nicepage Is there a way to enable the modular grid that is commonly used in web design? For example, a modular grid of 12 columns
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Latest By Support Team

26 April 2021

Started 23 April 2021 by avatarski

Wishlist Youtube playlist and channel?

I am surprised you did not create the ability to show a Youtube video playlist. It would be very nice have this option/feature and not to have to load each video individually instead we could simply...
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By troyinaz

27 April 2021

Started 24 April 2021 by troyinaz

Ask a Question How can I do a megamenu whit joomla

Hello, I'm trying to set up a megamenu with Joomla. I have managed to show images and title in a single column, the title appears on one side. But I want to put the title below or above and create...
4 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

26 April 2021

Started 25 April 2021 by josecampaner

Report a bug white space

good day. there is no white piece in your application, but if you upload the site to hosting, then I get such a white piece on mobile devices. how to deal with it?
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Latest By Support Team

26 April 2021

Started 25 April 2021 by funnyvideo333

Report a bug Edit of text field to add a link, changes type to button

See In the column of Luxury Cruises, if I select Silversea, and add a hyperlink, it changes the type to a button and thus changes the style. This did not...
2 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

30 April 2021

Started 29 April 2021 by steve390

Ask a Question Rudimentary tech tutorial?

Hello- I'm a complete rookie to website building and distribution. As a result, I'm pretty much clueless when people ask things like, "Did you buy your hosting from the domain registrar?" My what...
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Latest By Support Team

05 May 2021

Started 05 May 2021 by d.crowley

Ask a Question Youtube link works in landscape but not in portrait (tablet / phones)

Hello there! I have some links to youtube videos. They work perfectly in computers and ipad but they don´t in some tablets (android) or phones (iphone or android). Any idea why it might be so?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

11 May 2021

Started 05 May 2021 by inarax71

Wishlist Nicepage 3.15: May 19, 2021 - Multi-Row Header. Custom Social Icons

Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are happy to present the new Nicepage 3.15 update. What's New in This Update? Multi-Row Header (Beta) Adding a New Header RowMoving, Duplicating and Deleting...
9 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Alan Henness

23 May 2021

Started 19 May 2021 by Support Team

Ask a Question problema agregando o quitando elementos de un product List

tengo un product list de 3 columnas y 2 filas, pero solo necesito 5 productos, como elimino u oculto el 6to elemento? I have a 3 column 2 row product list, but I only need 5 products, how can I...
5 Replies
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15 June 2021

Started 25 May 2021 by tayrom

Ask a Question super help!!!!!!!

please, anyone: are all the templates totally static? what if i need some effects, some movement on pages? i understand that i have to install everything on my computer in order to edit, right? so, i...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

01 June 2021

Started 28 May 2021 by thepublicgeek

Ask a Question YouTube Video Integration Questions

Hi! I'm trying to integrate video links into my site. However, when I preview or publish the site the video doesn't have available the YouTube bottom bar, which is useful for fullscreen capabilities /...
6 Replies
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Latest By lauryfriese932

14 September 2023

Started 14 June 2021 by andrewchang2001

Ask a Question Links turns into buttons

Hello Please look at this page I need to create inline links as a part of the text Unfortunately the links turn into buttons and "jump" to a...
9 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

08 July 2021

Started 21 June 2021 by priya3

Ask a Question video background

Hi There, I would like to know there is any way to set, if someone visit my page,there is a youtube video in background but the first few seconds it start in very low resolution. So can i set somehome...
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Latest By Support Team

22 June 2021

Started 22 June 2021 by awmaya1