white space

1 Posts
funnyvideo333 posted this 25 April 2021
Report a bug

good day. there is no white piece in your application, but if you upload the site to hosting, then I get such a white piece on mobile devices.
how to deal with it?

good day. there is no white piece in your application, but if you upload the site to hosting, then I get such a white piece on mobile devices. how to deal with it? https://ibb.co/23DxGYM

Last edited 25 April 2021 by funnyvideo333

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Support Team
Support Team posted this 26 April 2021


Please check that there are no controls going out of the block width in the phone view. Also please note that we support screen sizes from 360px and higher, try it with this resolution to check if the issue is also present.
Then we also recommend to use the Reset Responsive option for every block on the page and check these recommendations as well:

If that does not help, please open the projects folder (you can find the path under the Profile >> Preferences >> Project Folder) and attach a zip file of the folder with the project.

Nicepage Support Team

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Hi, Please check that there are no controls going out of the block width in the phone view. Also please note that we support screen sizes from 360px and higher, try it with this resolution to check if the issue is also present. Then we also recommend to use the Reset Responsive option for every block on the page and check these recommendations as well: https://nicepage.com/doc/36215/basic-tips-to-build-responsive-websites If that does not help, please open the projects folder (you can find the path under the Profile >> Preferences >> Project Folder) and attach a zip file of the folder with the project. ................................................... Sincerely, Hella Nicepage Support Team Please subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/nicepage?sub_confirmation=1 Follow us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/nicepageapp
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