Ask a Question YouTube Video Integration Questions

Hi! I'm trying to integrate video links into my site. However, when I preview or publish the site the video doesn't have available the YouTube bottom bar, which is useful for fullscreen capabilities /...
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Latest By lauryfriese932

14 September 2023

Started 14 June 2021 by andrewchang2001

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13 September 2023

Started 13 September 2023 by rocketjunkies

Ask a Question Animation image galerie

Bonjour, je me demande si je vais acheter la version prenium et je voudrais savoir si il y a la possibilité avec nicepage d'utiliser des animation au sein des images contenue dans une galerie. Sur les...
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Latest By Support Team

13 September 2023

Started 13 September 2023 by baudinenathan

Ask a Question How does the different screen layouts work in NP editor?

Hi, I have been using Nicepage for a couple of years now and it sure is a nice tool to create webpages. But one thing that I still haven't figured out is the different screens that you can edit...
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Latest By Support Team

13 September 2023

Started 13 September 2023 by mickeHyman

Ask a Question Two menus

I'm building a website and some of the pages will be in Polish, some in German. For Polish websites, I want a Polish menu, for German websites, a German menu. Can I have two different menus and how to...
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13 September 2023

Started 10 September 2023 by fps56002

Ask a Question How to use 100dvh in Nicepage?

Hi. I would like to use 100dvh instead of 100vh so that the page displays properly on smartphones. It's about the height of the page on smartphones. When I enter 100dvh in the block height field, it...
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Latest By Support Team

13 September 2023

Started 13 September 2023 by xvemanuelvx

Ask a Question nicepage.js and create-react-app

I wanna integrate one page that've been built by into a react project. All things go well such as CSS and Responsive Design, not but Animation doesn't work. Please help me.
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13 September 2023

Started 13 September 2023 by fashiondeveloper

Ask a Question cookie / gdpr

Hello, i use the cookie function which is provided by nicepage. In fact the cookie alert appears (such as the startpage), but the content of the page is loaded before the cookie tip will be...
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13 September 2023

Started 04 February 2023 by office132

Ask a Question Blog element filtered by creation date

How can we order the articles in the blog element by the created date rather than the modified date (Joomla). I can't think of any situation where the modified date would be preferred over the created...
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Latest By Support Team

13 September 2023

Started 13 September 2023 by chris2198

Ask a Question How to create a membership content website with username and login

I'm pre-planning a website, where the user must create an account to view certain levels of information on products. The site would have generic information for a visitor, but if they want to access...
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Latest By info-M

12 September 2023

Started 18 November 2020 by blairpom

Ask a Question 500 Internal server error when trying to install new Nicepage site on Joomla 4 fresh installation

HI, I have just installed a new Joomla 4 site and was attempting to install a new Nicepage template and pages. I did it the regular way by Uploading the zip archive but got this error message twice...
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Latest By Support Team

12 September 2023

Started 12 September 2023 by mickeHyman

Ask a Question ask

Hello, I would like to implement a drop-down menu before upgrading to the premium version, but I see it as unavailable, do you have an alternative?
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Latest By Support Team

12 September 2023

Started 12 September 2023 by instaflowoff

Ask a Question product quantity in category

hello, How to display the product_in_stock with category or productdetails in virtuemart ? i want to display the quantity of the product in category or productdetails. But in your system, we can...
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Latest By philippe.t

12 September 2023

Started 07 September 2023 by philippe.t

Ask a Question remove

How can I remove a language from the site that I added second?
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Latest By Support Team

12 September 2023

Started 12 September 2023 by merdan777776

Ask a Question Multiple domains

Hi! Can I have a few different domains for different sites hosted? Thanks?
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Latest By MerlinAZ

12 September 2023

Started 17 January 2022 by AdamL