Report a bug Can't create more then 1 site.

I have personal license but I can't create 2nd site
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18 September 2023

Started 10 September 2023 by crispsandchees

Ask a Question Importing from MS Word

What is the best way to import from MS Word? I am creating Resume site, based on MS Word document containing list of books, various bulleted and numbered lists etc. When I copy/paste to text element...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 September 2023

Started 27 March 2021 by tom.basic

Ask a Question Build and sell Templates

Hi there, I wasn't able to find the answer to this in the search. Am I able to build templates and license them out to my customer on my website. For example, I would like to build about 10 templates...
5 Replies
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18 September 2023

Started 07 July 2021 by hello315

Ask a Question new Google analytics

When will nicepage support the new Google analytics code. I know there is a workaround but I'm looking for native support.
3 Replies
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18 September 2023

Started 03 December 2022 by jack.from.canada

Wishlist New google analytics

Please make new New google analytics codes work: Stream ID Measurement Id I have to do it manually every time I make changes..this is one of the reasons I have not paid for further updates since...
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Latest By Support Team

17 September 2023

Started 17 September 2023 by nemanjamobile

Ask a Question How to create collapsibles in NP

Hi there, I was wondering how to create a collapsible in NP which will expand a section by clicking a button/link like "read more..." (e.g.
21 Replies
13 Votes

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17 September 2023

Started 26 August 2019 by tempelh2

Ask a Question Subscription to your plans.

Why was I able to export a file to HTML before, but now it's asking me for a license subscription? I see in the plans that there's an export option in the free plan, so why can't I do it now?
2 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

17 September 2023

Started 16 September 2023 by dosmanovmedia

Report a bug Can not export HTML webisite

Failed to send request: Send me this message. Look attached file.
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17 September 2023

Started 17 September 2023 by user6447bg

Ask a Question Pre Publish

I'm trying to publish and keep getting the same error of 'pre-publish checks failed'
8 Replies
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17 September 2023

Started 17 September 2023 by sandhu.prabhpreet

Wishlist Importing from MS Word

What is the best way to import from MS Word? When I copy and paste my document on to my page in Nicepage it looses all it's formatting. This is very frustrating.
3 Replies
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17 September 2023

Started 16 September 2023 by niall.magner

Ask a Question switched computers help

i recently have changed computers and i'm in need of help trying to get my website back so i can use it on my new computer can anyone please help out
2 Replies
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16 September 2023

Started 15 September 2023 by papicandy

Ask a Question Jeden raz.

Ponownie. Którą część kodu usunąć, aby ze stopki usunąć to: WordPress Theme created with WordPress Website Builder. W szablonach dla WordPress można usunąć linki ze stopki w prosty sposób, poprzez...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

16 September 2023

Started 16 September 2023 by robertolszak1

Ask a Question Copy link by just clicking on a button

Good day, I would like to make it so that you can go that if you click on a button, you are not forwarded to a domain but only get the link to the clipboard, i.e. simply copy it on click
7 Replies
2 Votes

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16 September 2023

Started 30 January 2023 by Sorrow Finest

Wishlist IA Content creation

It would be great to use AI to create all my website content. Whether you like it or not, AI is here to stay, and combining AI with Nicepage can be a powerful thing. There are other platforms such...
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Latest By Support Team

15 September 2023

Started 15 September 2023 by Luis G

Ask a Question iframe impossible to integrate in a web page

It's impossible for me to integrate iframe in a web page i'm trying to ontegrate this iframe code in le little box "code" but nothing apprears in the webpage after publication <div...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

15 September 2023

Started 14 September 2023 by mintaka74