Wishlist Mobile menu sliding down

Hi, I will consider purchasing your product again once you improve the mobile menu. I'd like to see a slide-down option similar to what's available on your website. Currently, I find your tool limited...
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Latest By Support Team

08 September 2023

Started 06 September 2023 by Martin1982

Ask a Question How to let my clients create, edit and delete blog post

Hi I have a pro license and I need to give my client access only to create, edit, and delete blog posts. Regards
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Latest By Support Team

08 September 2023

Started 07 September 2023 by jobs.fogon

Wishlist Creating a full website pdf

I have to submit my website to our compliance team for approval. Is there a way to publish a pdf of the whole site, all content?
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Latest By Support Team

08 September 2023

Started 07 September 2023 by joelalmquist

Ask a Question Form

Dear Nicepade Customer Service! I want to send data to a URL using a form in the editor. We have no problem with successful sending, we get a nice green signal, but we want to display a unique text...
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Latest By Support Team

07 September 2023

Started 05 September 2023 by barnalaci007

Wishlist Content Area Height - setting

Hello, It would be great to have a 'Content Area Height' setting next to the 'Content Area Width' setting. There are times when I want everything visible on the screen. This setting could help with...
5 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 September 2023

Started 05 September 2023 by GShelemy

Ask a Question Content Area Width - statcounter GlobalStats

Hello, How often do you update your Content Area Width presets in the Nicepage Settings? I'm noticing that there is a global variation in screen resolutions for various devices. What would your...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 September 2023

Started 05 September 2023 by GShelemy

Wishlist Screen Aspect Ratio Setting

Hello, There are a confusing number of screen display resolutions out there, but they can be grouped into categories of Aspect Ratios such as; 16:9, 4:3, 16:10, etc. Can you develop a setting feature...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

07 September 2023

Started 05 September 2023 by GShelemy

Ask a Question Export html

Ho creato il sito con l'account free di sole 5 pagine. Nel momento in cui provo a fare l'export in html mi chiede di effettuare l'abbonamento,non facendomi visualizzare il pulsante "export". Come...
2 Replies
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Latest By MerlinAZ

06 September 2023

Started 06 September 2023 by chiaracarlottaleonetti

Ask a Question Help! I need my multiple file webpage to be just one .html file.

Hi, I have exported my webpage as .html but I need it to export as just one single .html file. Currently it exports as a zip file with many, many different components that make up the full...
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Latest By Support Team

06 September 2023

Started 06 September 2023 by jadesheplovesmusic

Ask a Question My WordPress site is asking for password on the homepage

WordPress website is showing password protected page out of nowhere. how do I turn it off?
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06 September 2023

Started 14 October 2022 by youngrichu

Ask a Question Adding nice page to Cpanel

why i cannot upload the zip file in CPanel it says "The upload failed. The server indicated HTTP error 500 (internal error)" what does it mean
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06 September 2023

Started 06 September 2023 by admin1248

Ask a Question Online Builder syncronisieren mit Software

Hallo, ist es möglich, wenn ich Online Builder verwende dass die Projekte synchronisiert sind mit der Software auf mein PC. Gruß Muhamed Kasumovic
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06 September 2023

Started 06 September 2023 by Hami - Muhamed K.

Ask a Question Probleme utilisateur

Je viens de prendre la licence Premium Impossible de joindre D'autre utilisateur via wordpress ? Comment faire ?
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Latest By Support Team

06 September 2023

Started 06 September 2023 by yoroy51

Ask a Question ACF

Hi do you plan to support ACF or any other form of custom fields system such as Pods? Thank you. Petr
7 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 September 2023

Started 05 December 2021 by Petr Adamek

Ask a Question Do exported blocks have the CSS code and classes I wrote?

If I export a block and import it again into another project, are the CSS classes of the block and the associated CSS code also imported, or do I have to do it manually?
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

06 September 2023

Started 06 September 2023 by xvemanuelvx