Wishlist Edit HTML of each block

It sure would be nice to be able to edit the HTML code of each block :) within the program.
3 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By Support Team

08 April 2019

Started 05 April 2019 by T-3-Gunner

Wishlist HTML Export export - Sitemap

When exporting a NicePage site as HTML, generate a sitemap.xml file which would appear like the example attached (see Distrowatch). https://ibb.co/Tg7QBz8
4 Replies
10 Votes

Latest By bojan.celeketic11

16 December 2021

Started 01 June 2019 by castlesoft

Wishlist Additional HTML5 Input Types are missing in Nicepage

Dear support, Can you please add this HTML5 input types: <input type> <input type> <input type> <input type> <input type> <input type> <input...
1 Reply
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

03 June 2019

Started 01 June 2019 by stephane.fonteyne

Ask a Question HTML site broken after update

I have just updated Nicepage to v1.8.7 but now I have problems which make my site unusable. There is no longer a way to "update" my plain HTML site (only export option), the gallery has changed to...
3 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

07 June 2019

Started 05 June 2019 by oldgoat.barry

Ask a Question Sidebars in HTML websites

I only find the possibility to add a sidebar to a blog or post template. I can't change the content of the sidebar in the demo version, e.g. add photos. Atm. I am using the free version (Desktop App)...
1 Reply
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 June 2019

Started 15 June 2019 by Madmix

Report a bug Nicepage really quite horrible product is not satisfied with it go back to manually designing websites

Dear support, I'm not really a professional create a website for, and I am getting the layout error, the alignment is correct is suddenly not any more. I am a business user, Nicepage, but what I am...
1 Reply
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

17 June 2019

Started 16 June 2019 by stephane.fonteyne

Ask a Question Contact form, set name and placeholder

Hello, There is a way to set the name (tag) of a input field and placeholder in a form? Now I have to export and edit the HTML, because I didn't find a way to edit it inside nicepage. Thank you
4 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By weblinker

29 June 2019

Started 28 June 2019 by weblinker

Ask a Question Html export does not seem to work.

When I design the page and preview in all browsers locally the page looks great. When I export in Html it looks terrible. It almost looks like the css file is not working correctly. First image shows...
11 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By Support Team

01 September 2021

Started 06 July 2019 by nclonts2

Ask a Question Object not seen in browsers, only previewed

When I insert an object in the HTML page in the preview from nicepage it looks correctly, but in browsers it doesn't load me
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Latest By Support Team

29 July 2019

Started 29 July 2019 by dasan1946

Ask a Question A Gift for you: Smooth Back to Top scrolling HTML Code

Hello Nicepage friends. I wish you a good day. I´m happy to share with you an HTML code that would help you add "Smooth Back to Top Scrolling" to your websites. As "best practice" tip, I recomend...
5 Replies
3 Votes

Latest By LGALLP

23 September 2019

Started 20 September 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question A Gift for you: Responsive Timeline with Responsive Image HTML Code

Hello Nicepage friends. I wish you all a good day. I´m happy to share with you an HTML Code that will help you create a Responsive Timeline with a Responsive Image into every timeline special...
8 Replies
6 Votes

Latest By LGALLP

09 April 2022

Started 20 September 2019 by LGALLP

Ask a Question Google 552-5.7.0 issue when sending exported html zip file

Hi... I am having problem sending email to a gmail account with the exported html zip file. Got a error reply from google and I am not sure what it is. Can you please help? Thank...
4 Replies
0 Votes

Latest By BitmaMum

19 June 2023

Started 25 September 2019 by TQY

Wishlist New improvements

Hi Please consider adding: "alt" atributes for images, "rel" parametr for links "rel" parametr for social icons html code editor for select item or section. regards, AG
3 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

18 October 2019

Started 16 October 2019 by artur.gontarz

Wishlist Nicepage Update: October 22, 2019 - HTML Export via FTP, Add Menu Improvements

Dear Nicepage Community, We are happy to present the new update of the Nicepage! What's New? HTML Export via FTP Improved Add Block Popup New Blog Preset Thumbnails Simplified Text Properties New...
12 Replies
1 Votes

Latest By Support Team

05 November 2019

Started 22 October 2019 by Support Team

Ask a Question Using forms

Well, I thought this would be a lot more intuitive. I read the following article: https://nicepage.com/doc/article/25066 Going to the implied simplicity of creating a website in Nicepage, I have...
3 Replies
2 Votes

Latest By Support Team

26 November 2019

Started 23 October 2019 by lawson