Report a bug Header / Footer Not Hidden in HTML Folder Export

When I export a project as an HTML folder and a page has the header and footer hide option ticked, the header and footer are still added to that page.
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Latest By Support Team

14 November 2019

Started 14 November 2019 by geoff3

Ask a Question Question or request

Sometime we make som changes to the template online while in Wordpress.. It would be nice to be able to download the adjusted template in order to be able to adopt it even offline. Is there such an...
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Latest By Support Team

14 November 2019

Started 14 November 2019 by ap.sakala

Ask a Question Nav Bar broken on published site

Hello, I have exported my site to html and then uploaded onto a CPanel Public HTML and the nav bar does not work on the published site. How do I fix this? Live site:
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Latest By Support Team

18 November 2019

Started 15 November 2019 by kendallspanglerdesign

Ask a Question CSS and JS integration

What is the best way to integrate CSS and Javascript on a Nicepage web page?
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Latest By Doug G.

27 November 2019

Started 27 November 2019 by

Report a bug Uploaded pages look different - even within the same page

I've got a hugh problem with my generated site: Some parts of the page formatting are destroyed when viewed online. I've generated HTML to local harddrive and then uploaded the files to the host....
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Latest By Support Team

16 December 2021

Started 05 December 2019 by Mark554

Report a bug update 2.2.2 new update error exporting to HTML

Nicepage just updated to 2.2.2 now I can't export any of my sites to HTML. I use the desktop version and have the pro version. When I try to export to html I get an error occurred reload nicepage. See...
6 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

18 December 2019

Started 16 December 2019 by jpalmer2

Ask a Question How do I insert html into a nicepage page?

I've just started using nicepage and have quickly created a one page web site from a template (I needed something quickly and will now take the time to create a more sophisticated web site. The...
6 Replies
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Latest By franko1497

26 December 2019

Started 20 December 2019 by franko1497

Wishlist Custom HTML and its styling

Hello team, when I use custom HTML, because of some requirements, that are not yet available to use in NicePage, would it be possible to select whole custom HTML item and select from right panel if...
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Latest By michal84

04 January 2020

Started 31 December 2019 by michal84

Ask a Question Custom Code

I am looking at your product and had a question on custom code. I currently use program called Mobirise which offers a "Custom Code" Block to further expand the site capabilities. Example: Before End...
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Latest By Support Team

29 January 2020

Started 28 January 2020 by hreachads

Ask a Question Hyperlink (Same site page) inside Grid not working in Chrome (Export HTML)

I have a grid of 4x1, each cell contains an image. Each image has a hyperlink associated to a page on same site. None of the hyperlinks work in Chrome, they do work in EDGE. Exporting as std HTML.
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Latest By Support Team

06 February 2020

Started 04 February 2020 by steve365

Ask a Question How do I add or remove video controls html own video

I have created a webpage and need to export it as a html. I have a mp4 video on my server. When adding the video to my page the options for loop and play automatically disappears. How can I control...
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Latest By Support Team

02 December 2020

Started 05 February 2020 by Me jay

Ask a Question Hey! I have to congratulate you for the "Back to Top" botton!

Hi Nicepage Team. Congratulations! I´m really happy you added the "Back to Top" botton! Still needs several more personalization options because it´s pretty basic (like "Text" into it, or do "smooth...
4 Replies
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Latest By LGALLP

16 September 2020

Started 07 February 2020 by LGALLP

Ask a Question trying to setup simple html page to send form content ... get errors

hi using code example 1 ... called file eml2.php content of the file is <?php...
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Latest By george2

10 February 2020

Started 09 February 2020 by george2

Report a bug Layout breaks after Export Html

Dear Nicepage Team, after exporting my Site to html the layout breaks up. Hours on Hours of work are now useless. Also if iam reimporting the zip file the layout was damaged. how can i solve this...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

02 March 2020

Started 26 February 2020 by dmeyer3

Ask a Question CSS export to HTML

When I export my project to HTML automatically generates an html file and one csss for each page of the website. There is a possibility to export the file to HTML and only generate only one CSS?...
3 Replies
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Latest By Support Team

10 March 2020

Started 05 March 2020 by david730